[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201119/7f024442076cf3d99ccf13ae4ea961a6.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Mentions: [@The Elvenqueen] [@Shadow Dragon] [@solokolos][/b][/center] [center]When Frogkit actually turned to look at Duskwing she knew she'd gotten through to the young she-cat. She could've been much more harsh, but based off of the way she reacted towards Blackpelt, force was not the way to go with Frogkit. Moosepaw had been much the same way, quiet, reserved, and responded well to explanations rather than being told what to do. She gave a nod and surprisingly gentle smile towards Frogkit as she apologized. [color=f7941d][b]"Thank you Frogkit, I'm sure Blackpelt appreciates that,"[/b][/color] she sent a pointed look towards their medicine cat to not make this any worse, [color=f7941d][b]"Now if you'll excuse me I need to prepare for Moosepaw's warrior assessment tomorrow morning."[/b][/color] She gave a nod towards Blackpelt and took a few steps away before turning back to Frogkit, [color=f7941d][b]"Remember you can sleep in the warrior's den until those strangers are gone if you like. Just don't be loud."[/b][/color] She turned her attention to the rest of camp and could still see Moosepaw sitting nearby Highstump and padded over to join her apprentice. Sleep could wait until she was sure he would be able to sleep as well, and judging by his response to Fernstar he was nervous. She settled down next to the fluffy tom and tapped him on the flank with her tail before wrapping it tightly around her paws in an attempt to stave off some of the chill. [color=f7941d][b]"You feel prepared for the assessment tomorrow?"[/b][/color] She gave him a reassuring glance, [color=f7941d][b]"And it's alright to say no or that you're nervous."[/b][/color] She had a plan for what she was going to do for Moosepaw's warrior assessment. It would be somewhat more difficult to do in leaf-bare, but she knew it would only further prove to both Fernstar, and Moosepaw himself, that he was ready for the responsibility of being a fully fledged warrior of Willowclan.[/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210224/08f79b811bb80e10415d5abb894ff421.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Mentions: [@The Elvenqueen] [@savannahssu][/b][/center] [center]Stormheart gave a nod to Sunfur, [color=0072bc][b]"Alright, be careful. Those branches don't look super sturdy for someone bigger than Spidernose."[/b][/color] He definitely didn't want to hear the sound of breaking wood and come back to find one or, Starclan forbid, both of his clanmates with broken bones. With one last glance up to where Spidernose was perched up in the tree he turned and padded off in the direction that Sunfur indicated. He had little hope that he would actually be able to find anything, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to give it his all for the good of the clan. He was hungry and he imagined the rest of the clan would be as well; they needed this freshkill desperately. Especially with those strangers in camp, they had even more mouths to feed. He kept his ears pricked and kept his steps as quiet as he could through the snow. He came to a pause next to one of the other large trees in the area and scented the air, mostly stale from what he could tell, but there was something fresher there. He pricked his ears and faintly picked up on the sound of scuffling paws against the snow. He couldn't tell exactly what it was, but at this point any freshkill was good. Unfortunately there was no underbrush to hide in, but once again he was thankful for the color and thickness of his pelt. The white blended in much better than many of his other clanmates and allowed him to creep across the ground with careful steps to peer around the trunk of the tree. The sight of an, albeit scrawny, squirrel digging underneath a small bush was enough to set his mouth watering, but the clan needed to eat first. He sunk low to the ground, now uncaring of the faint chill of the snow on his underbelly, and took the few steps needed to close the distance and leap across the ground to pin the bushy tail of the squirrel to the ground. A swift bite to the back of the neck ended the chittering that was beginning to come from it, and he pushed down the temptation to yowl in triumph. It wasn't much but it was a start.[/center]