[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190522/5ec07975271d6ef3e7be9e67e7144f35.png[/img][/center][hr][color=FFE4B5]"Oh..."[/color] Kaito received the card with both hands as a sign of respect. His body snapped into its more awkward natural state as he finished, shuffling through the contents of the pocket of his dress shirt. His fingers skipped over the hard metal of a couple of paper clips before settling on a business card of his own. Digging it out took both hands, the other holding the pocket in place to keep anything from spilling. [color=FFE4B5]"I am Iyasu Kaito,"[/color] he said, thrusting the card forward. He'd introduced himself before, but enough odd events had happened to them that he didn't fault the tired-looking salaryman from either not caring enough to remember or not having registered his name in the first place. It was another one of those observations that had been neatly arranged behind [i]gunman on the loose[/i] in his mind. He gave the new business card in his shirt pocket a firm squeeze and carried onwards. [color=FFE4B5]"Therapy isn't a traditional office career, but there are many similarities."[/color] A twang of defensiveness seeped through his smile, a byproduct of conversations with other men his age who pursued more typical lines of work.