After getting into the city, Reyvadin shadowed the group, quietly observing and following along. He didn't know as much about this place as he would've liked: had they been in the north Reyvadin could probably blend in as a local, but he stood out like a sword wound here, which was all the more reason he needed to stay low less he attracted unwanted attention. He mainly stayed with the group as a sort of smoke screen: anyone with ill intent would likely focus on the more colorful and talkative members than himself. But that doesn't mean Reyvadin didn't keep track of where he was and where he was going. He wasn't sure how long he'd stay in this city or even with this group, but it would be important for him to know the ins and outs. It was something taught to him while he was being a knight. Young men may think winning battles is about being a skillful fighter, but that was merely a part of it. Knowing your terrain was just as important, because anywhere could be your battlefield. Considering how lowly Reyvadin's current status was, he should be prepared to know his escape routes if he has to resort to some sort of petty thievery and make an escape: last thing he wants to do is turn towards a dead end which will lead to his end. When the group found an inn to stay at, Reyvadin made a note of it's location but didn't enter. Tired as he was, there was still some things he needed to do. The first being to get a proper spear. He's no doubt that he'll have to start using his weapon for more mercenary endeavors henceforth. With the rapid increase of refugees there's no doubt crime and banditry in the countryside, which will no doubt keep the city's soldiers busy. This was an opportunity for sellswords to sell their expertise for buyers to reclaim or secure interests outside of the city that have now been abandoned, and Reyvadin wants in on that action. But he won't be finding many clients if he's dressed little more than a looter armed with a stick. A proper spear will at least keep him armed, and maybe a solid set of boots too. The wrappings around his feet were wearing out from all the walking he had to do just to get here. Faeril left, and Reyvadin figured he'd follow. He didn't ask permission of course, but Faeril didn't ask not to be followed, and Reyvadin at least had the courtesy to have his presence be known to him. They went through the city, wandering about various shops and brothels. Were he a youngerman Reyvadin would be tempted to partake in vices and women even with his meager coin, however he knew not to waste his money on such frivolous things when he had actual priorities to be had. There was a large crowd, a mob really, seemingly discontent with someone's manor. A familiar sight to Reyvadin: peasants back at home were quick to cause a ruckus, and Reyvadin was often there to see them put down. Made him wonder if maybe that's why his family was so quickly disposed that fateful day. But he moved on as he arrived to an actual market place. It was no Yruma, but this market was better kept than your typical townsquare. Which isn't saying much, but it's better than nothing. An artisan district with various workers and craftsman hard at work. Reyvadin wondered if any of them knew what had just happened outside of the city, or if they were satisfied with their tiny lives within their shops. More things for him to ponder. It was here that Reyvadin split of from Faeril, looking to find a smith who wasn't currently occupied. Ideally, he could find an affordable spear for a silver or three. He might try to haggle if it's worth more. But if not, Reyvadin would simply see if he could find a smith who has the time to set the current knife he has into the spear shaft he's already carrying. A deceptively simple job perhaps, but Reyvadin knows to let more skilled people do it than try it himself. Simply tying a knife to a staff was something a desperate brigand does, and such weapons were not nearly as reliable as they seemed. Better to get a smith who can properly notch wood and set the screws. If Reyvadin had anything else left, he'll see about investing in some footwear.