Giriel is not throwing herself into a melee with a hostile heavenly spirit and an branch knight. That would be stupid and she is angry but she is not stupid. The most likely outcome is one or the other using her as a human shield, the next best guess would be somebody hitting her by accident. No thank you. Instead, she takes her greatsword and flips it point down, striking it into the ground with conviction. She begins drawing a circle in the dirt beside the road with thick, deep lines cut by the blade. One big flowing line to make the ritual space first because sacred sorcery is always done within a circle. Then she cuts within it in quick, sure motions that tell you her sword has been used far more often for magic than for combat. She's drawing symbols of the locality. An abstract line for the buildings of the town before them, wavy lines for water, quick ones for the winds and sturdy thick ones for the earth. Simple symbols carved hastily, yes but clear enough in their meaning to call upon the local gods large and small. Then Giriel begins to chant, low and singsong. She lowers herself to one knee in a posture of service, and calls to the local gods. Gods of the village, of the fields, of the weather. She beseeches them for aid and succor. For help to her friends and harm to her enemies. Most of all, she beseeches them for information, for surely a heavenly messenger cannot have gone entirely unremarked! She is hungry and expectant that there will be gossip aplenty. She tells them too how she was attacked and wronged, how the messenger wore the guise of one of the mountain cats to assault them and begs their advice and their aid. [Giriel is communing with the local gods. 5+1+2=8 She chooses -Learn something important from the Unseen (as much as she can about Zhaojun) -Change the nature of the unseen here so that they are angry at Zhaojun for her rudeness -Being angry, she has almost certainly stirred up too much sentiment and so has also caused a haunting]