[center][h1][color=DA6BE5]Mira Andrul[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/426292381415899138/891481097169428500/Manaveena_no_horms.png[/img][/center] Age: 26 Gender: Female Species: Human [b]Magic specialties:[/b] None [b]Personality:[/b] A bright smile and cheerful demeanor are Mira's trademarks! Anyone who's met her knows her as a charming young woman always open to meeting new people. Given the kind of company she keeps, however, many people wonder if her dazzling smile is not, in fact, a well-practiced theatric meant to hide her true self. She tends to approach danger with an even more dangerous lackadaisical attitude. Some claim her mind is under a curse of sorts, while others believe she's just a bit nuts. Regardless, she can always be counted on to make those around her smile. Though she has no magic of her own, her loyalty to the coven runs deep, and she often takes advantage of her humanity to move where the witches can't. [b]Appearance:[/b] Mira stands at just under 5' tall, a short and slender frame with a thin build of muscle beneath the surface. Her bright red hair - often tied back - and glimmering brown eyes frame a cutely rounded face. Her outfits range from comfy to classy, and no one recalls ever seeing her in the same clothes twice. Except at home, that is, where she's always in fluffy pajamas. And yes, her body does boast pleasing curves, but she sees them far more as a means to an end than anything to flaunt. [b]History:[/b] The Andruls were, in ages long past, some of the most powerful witches in the world. Alas, as with all witches, the family was gradually hunted down and forced into hiding. Over time, the blood and power were whittled down, until at last, Mira was born: the first generation without any affinity for magic. Though her parents dutifully raised her to be a clever and capable girl, it was clear they were unhappy to have no one to pass down their knowledge to. Mira worked hard to make them see her value, even without magic. Without magic, Mira was not allowed to join the coven. However, that didn't stop her from sneaking out to spy on them from the shadows. She even got away with it a few times! But not for long. When she was discovered, however, she determinately insisted that she wanted to help out, even if she couldn't use any magic herself. After some deliberation, it was decided that she could join the coven... as an outside ally. It was enough for her. Since then, Mira has done all she can to aid the coven, from running errands to gathering intel. Though she has some martial arts training, she's not a fighter by any means, preferring to solve her problems with a quick mind and clever tongue.