[b][u]Meanwhile, on a far away world[/u][/b] *cocks gun and kicks down the door to a decrepit temple in the middle of the desert, spying a surprised thief clutching a burlap bag holding something heavy and bulky* Bad move coming here, you would have done yourself well to have covered your tracks, and chosen something more than the most obvious landmark in the entire area. *holds up gun to the shocked thief* You took something that my employer has a great interest in, and now I've come to take it back. *as the thief reaches for his own gun, fires off a couple of shots, one hitting the thief in the arm, causing him to drop the bag and for the artifact to fall out and tumble into the groove of a helixical structure carved into the ground. A second shot hits the thief in the head, causing them to fall over, bleeding out into the same grooved structure* *goes to pick up the item but notices that it has rolled into the center of the structure, as the blood from the thief has pooled into the area, causing the structure to begin humming and emitting strange light. As if in a flash, the structure lights up, and the artifact explodes, opening up a portal that begins to pull in everything around it, including Rai. Rai fights back but is knocked off her feet by a piece of debris and sucked into the portal. [b][u]Somewhere Unknown[/u][/b] *a portal opens, hurling out large chunks of dust and stone before also flinging out Rai, who lands tumbling onto a dusty patch* *cough and dusts herself off, checking to make sure she hasn't received any injuries* Damn, lost the artifact. What just happened? *looks around* Where...am I? *tucks her gun back under her duster and begins to walk off into a direction* Sun's pointing that way, judging by the position this way must be west. Let's see what we can find. *removes her hat as she walks, leting her ears stand up and flick for a bit, getting any dust out and letting them get a stretch*