[h3]Shinjuku[/h3] The last of the Digimon rampaging was Monochromon, a large, Triceratops-like Digimon, continued to tussel with the BaoHuckmon, what sounded like a steam-whistle blasted as a [url=https://wikimon.net/images/5/5d/Locomon.jpg]Locomon[/url] plowed through the streets on rails that seemed to appear bellow it with each pump of its pistons, disappearing as the last wheel of it's 1 carriage that it pulled left it. It pulled to a stop and from the side door, bunch of [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/7/76/Commandramon_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090130030542]Commandramon[/url] filed out, all shouting "Hut" in unison with each quick-march step they took. Behind them, [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140628193725/digimonfanon/images/e/ec/Herald_2.png]Herald[/url] appeared stood in his black sleeveless coat and Boken in hand, rested on his shoulder. "Commandramons, help the civilians, i'll assist BaoHuckmon" He ran forwards, getting some speed up, before jumping and landed on Monochromon's face, the Digimon's horn right behind him, he grabbed ahold of it for stability, before shoving the Boken right between its eyes. "I AM HERALD AND I SPEAK FOR THE SOVEREIGNS!!!" He bellowed. Monochromon stopped for a second, before rearing up and bucking Herald off of him, Herald landed in a heap next to BaoHuckmon. "Well, it was worth a try." He picked up his Boken and stood, ready for anything. As Monochromon fired several fireballs at the pair of them, Herald sliced through them with the Boken, before darting up to the Digimon and sliding underneath it, slashing at its soft underbelly with the sword, getting out the other side and turning around as it collapsed to the ground and faded into data. Herald pointed the Boken out which absorbed the Data into itself. "I'll make sure Monochromon reconstitutes on the other side." He said to BaoHuckmon. [h1]ATLAS Headquarters[/h1] As the blips on the Tokyo map started to go out, Siggy began to breathe a sigh of relief. Luckily it had only been Champion-levels and a handful of Rookies. "Any more targets emerging?" He called to the agents working the Cartography. "Negative sir. Threats neutralized." One replied. Siggy sat down in his chair and rubbed his forehead. "Excellent, perform a standard search and sweep for any that might have bonded and send the all-" But before he could finish his sentence, the Cartography map seemed to explode in warning signs as an [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/68/Safety_Alert_Symbol_-_General.svg/1200px-Safety_Alert_Symbol_-_General.svg.png]Alert symbol[/url] appeared, then another and another, more and more spreading across the cartography map, almost seeming to block it out. "Sir, it says we have a Code-Black Digital Bio-Emergence... Sir, that could onl-" "I know what it could only mean." Siggy said, standing up, retaining his composure. "LOCATION!?!?!?" Lucas roared. The Agent tapped away again. "Highton-View Terrace" the agent responded. Siggy looked over at Lucas who was already messing with his Digivice, going for Mega-Level "Lucas, stand down!" He ordered. "No, you step up!" He replied. "Whatever is coming through is-" "Anything" Siggy cut him off. "We've had false alarms before and we will treat this as no different." "NEVER a code black, though." "What about when Kokuwamon came through and joined with Agent Bakuto, we got a Code Black on him." Siggy retorted. "And i STILL say we should have wiped him and sent Kokuwamon back." He finally pressed the button and Elecmon disappeared into a blinding light along with Lucas. "ELECMON BIOMERGE TO BANCHOLEOMON!" A voice called. As BanchoLeomon emerged, he took a few steps towards the door, but was blocked by NeonGuilmon. "BanchoLeomon stand down." NeonGuilmon ordered. "If me and Cartography are correct, we need to get every available Mega-Level there NOW!!!" "At least let's confirm it." NeonGuilmon replied. "Come on, big guy, we wrote the book on this for a DAMN good reason." The small Digimon nodded to Siggy, who immediately pulled out his Digivice and pressed his Executive Broadcast button. As he did so, every Digivice of every ATLAS Agent in Tokyo would instantly relay his words. [i]"Attention all ATLAS personel, be advised we have a potential situation. I need all available units to converge on Highton View Terrace and get me eyes on a Bio-Emerging target."[/i] He paused for a second, picking his next words very carefully. [i]"And standby for Mega-Level authorization. Keep to Champion or Rookie for the moment and get me eyes on target. If Mega-Level spotted, radio your position and wait for back-up. Do not try to be a hero and engage by yourself. If Mega-Level engages you... Do whatever you deem necessary to protect yourself and others around you."[/i] He then sat down "Cartography, all eyes on Highton View Terrace." [h3]Roppongi[/h3] As Guardromon and DinoHyumon began to clash in the middle of the street, a severe breakdown of communication that was going unnoticed by Cartography due to the Code Black, both Agents would get Siggy's message at the same time, neither able to overhear it from the other due to it coming through their standard-issue ear-pieces that they put on as they entered the fog and being one of the only devices unaffected by it. As they tried to bluff around each other, a 3rd combattant would enter the picture. as streaking through the sky towards the ground was [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3c/e6/bb/3ce6bbad96a51873e93b2c78192aaba0.png]BlackFlamedramon[/url]smashing into the ground between the two and a burst of Rosie-red fire forming a shield around him, deflecting the pairs incoming attacks away long enough for him to stand up. Both of the Digimon would recognize BlackFlamedramon as Herald's partner, due to Herald, much to the chagrin of most of the Directors, making it a point to introduce himself to each and every new agent. "Hey, jerks, if you could stop fighting each other for a second, you might actually realize you're on the same side." He pointed over to their partners currently trying to convince the other to leave. "Now, i ain't gonna tell nobody nothin' about what happened here, but only on the proviso that you quit-it. We got a situation in Highton View Terrace. Now grab your partners and follow me." His voice was deep and authoritative, but with a brutish twang to every word. A creature clearly used to having power and using it to achieve its goals. He would start jumping via rooftops towards Highton View Terrace, moving quickly, but making sure that the Champions could keep up if they chose to follow him. [h3]Highton-View Terrace[/h3] As Airdramon's matter seemed to explode across the skies, the fog didn't seem to lift as it usually would. A malevolent aura seemed to drop across the entire district. Every mobile phone, computer, television screen showed static rhythmically pumping. Before finally, just going back to general static. As Daichi and Dozer were just getting ready to call for the clean-up crew and head back to base is when they would get Director Siggy's alert. The air went cold and something appeared just outside of Daichi's vision, something that, at first glance might have been mistaken for another civilian. All the way up until a spear flew past his face at what seemed like super-sonic speeds, only to appear to be on some kind of string and be pulled back into the fog and the figure set off at a run, quickly being consumed by the digital mists. [h3]Shinjuku[/h3] As The Commandramon army was getting people freed from the damage of Monochromon's rampage and Flashing them with their memory-erasers, that was when Herald pulled out his [url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41woK86EGXL._AC_SY355_.jpg]digivice[/url] and got Siggy's message play through it. "Well, you heard the man" He called to Hinata. "I'll give you a ride." He said, jogging over to Locomon's carriage. "All aboard!" He called to the agent "The Commandramons will handle it. Things are about to get interesting over in Highton"