Joseph sat back in his chair as Elissa grabbed the bottle, he raised his eyebrows in response then downed the drink before he settled his right arm on the arm rest. He proceeded to play with the cup tapping it on the wood, he bit the knuckle of his first finger of his left hand with his front teeth as he scanned Elissa whilst she continued. “Bounty? Well now I’m interested” he laughed, his expression dropped as he considered how she claimed to know him, however, and looked at his own tattood hand gripping the cup - he didn’t quite remember much, so perhaps she was telling the truth, but what did it matter now? Whoever she knew, that was a long time ago, Joseph had been in this business for almost a decade. It was possible she could shed some light on his past, but he’d have to trust her a little first. [i]She couldn’t have someone pull punches just to let her win[/i]… sounds like something he’d say, maybe… this made him smile slightly as he looked back up to lock eyes with Elissa. He continued chewing his knuckle. Joseph wasn’t particularly interested in going to Spain, he was no bounty hunter, and from what he’d heard (or hadn’t, particularly) he doubted making the voyage would be worth his time. “So what are you worth to me exactly?” he enquired, “you sailed for your father, you’re not an asset to him?” he pressed.