As Rika listened to Angela explain her abilities, she couldn't help but feel that her second crack at an introduction had been just as much a failure as the first. Ink, too, was more verbose with his explanations, and even took a moment to introduce them to his curse. Although the effect was quite shocking, Rika couldn't help but admire his courage; most people weren't so forthcoming about their curse. Finally, the tattooed Pioneer provided no name, and a simple "I hit things." For a moment, Rika didn't feel so bad about her own lackluster introduction, but then she reiterated the point that Angela had introduced to the conversation. "I can take care of myself" was the tagline of the group so far; one of them even wanted to be included as "collateral damage." How was she supposed to make friends like this? [color=cyan][i]Wait a minute, don't famous people usually get introduced by someone else, anyway?![/i][/color] she suddenly realized. [color=cyan][i]Throw me a bone, Elpidio![/i][/color] She smiled awkwardly. [color=cyan]"Well, it seems like half the planning has been done for us. We go to the Reese brothers' ranch and wait for the brass to turn off the sun—Angela can get its attention and I can bring it down,"[/color] she explained, as though the whole thing weren't absurd enough to say, let alone do. Well, at least [i]she[/i] seemed confident, sliding the sticks of antidote down the table like drinks at a bar. Then, apparently deciding that any further discussion would just be a waste of time, she exited Elpidio's office, walking swiftly through the Daemon training room like she had a report to file on Monday. Her heart sank a little when she saw the elevator. [color=cyan][i]Oh, God. This silence is so awkward. You're my only hope![/i][/color] Rika thought as she glanced across the elevator at Angela, who seemed to her like the only one who could carry a conversation that wasn't weird. [color=cyan]"So, that dinner party is totally your scene, right? You're going? What else do you do for fun?"[/color] With Angela's help, Rika was able to pass the time as they traveled on foot. The ranch, still in the high-class district of the city, was surrounded by brick walls. The armed guards on either side of the iron gate saluted as the group approached. "We're expecting you, Miss Simonova. Are they with you?" one asked. [color=cyan]"Yep, these are my friends,"[/color] Rika replied without missing a beat. As the gate opened, the group was met with a large grassy field, only made somewhat believable by the artificial sun overhead. Notably, there were no livestock present; they had presumably been moved indoors for the occasion. [color=cyan]"A field from the surface, down here in the cave! This is so cool!"[/color] Rika exclaimed as she ran to the top of a nearby hill. Looking down from the top of the hill, the scenery was suddenly marred by deep gouges in the earth, stained red with blood—a grim reminder of why they were there. Just as suddenly as the scene of the crime met their eyes, the artificial sun above them blinked out. "Routine maintenance of the photosphere system is underway. Please do not be alarmed. Service will resume shortly," echoed a message from the distant speaker system in the city. [color=cyan]"Yeah, [i]routine[/i],"[/color] Rika mocked, as with a flash of blue flame she summoned the by-now iconic Rising Star on her arm, and plopped down onto the slight incline of the hill. [color=cyan]"And now we play Where's Waldo with the ceiling fungus,"[/color] she remarked casually, arms tucked behind her head as if this were something she did every day. [color=cyan]"I want to see the day that everyone can go stargazing on the surface like this,"[/color] she said, without so much as a hint of added drama or flair as her eyes scanned the twinkling blue ceiling of the cave. [color=cyan]"Not just mediums, but regular people—lots of them."[/color] There were rumors that young Miss Simonova had her sights on the Demon Mother. What she said could carry serious weight, if indeed she was serious; it would mean the rumors were true. As far as anyone knew, nobody had ever seen the Demon Mother, let alone knew what she'd be capable of, aside from bringing all other evil beings into existence—and that, too, was hearsay. The enemy did not often speak of her; after all, if all of humanity's most dangerous enemy were effectively birthed from a single source, that might give them hope of eventually exterminating them all. [color=cyan]"Anyone else got a cheesy wish like that? Or just me?"[/color] Rika grinned as she looked around at the other three.