Signaling the imminent Keijo battle about to commence, a large platform surrounded by smaller platforms that were all connected by narrow, person-wide pathways erupted from nothingness, presumably at Dan's command. Helewisa made her debut with arms wide open to the crowd and a bright smile while she waited on the stage where she and her opponent would soon begin to battle. Though despite her poised appearance, she was beginning to have second thoughts. It was not a consideration born out of fear of the attention she was getting, nor could she say the name "Ronja" frightened her. No, she was just... a bit disappointed that it was Keijo. Of course, you would naturally assume upon signing up for a Keijo tournament that you would be engaging in that selfsame activity. Wisa wasn't duped into it even if Stien made it clearer than the sky that it may be enjoyable to witness Wisa partake. That's not the problem. What is, is that Wisa managed to liken the competitive atmosphere to that of an old coliseum and so found the situation a bit lacking. [color=F65772][i]Ah, my heart yearns for the thrill of bloodsport! How I long for the sweet scent of sweat and unrestrained challenge, the grunts behind every thrust, and to bask in the afterglow in a battle well-fought! And yet, my desires shall find no purchase in this realm. Oh woe is me, for, in my apathy, I have pledged my allegiance to a patron most infertile![/i][/color] Brief though it was, her eyes narrowed at the owner of the dimension. [color=F65772][i]Such a lame, insipid sport! Nevertheless! Witness me, Justine! By my victory or defeat, I shall not leave you wanting for entertainment![/i][/color] And so, Helewisa's will is laid bare. All that remained was for the one who would put her own will against her to reveal themself. Seated somewhere in the audience was a blonde woman that had borrowed a disguise artifact with a small, kind of excited girl who didn’t entirely know what was going on but the nice not-human lady was apparently competing and she was going to cheer for her. Ronja, meanwhile, had decided to take an alternative path to entering the stage. From the water on the other side of the platforms, the top half of a woman erupted with a splash and a gentle but heavy breath after having been swimming for a while. She had silver hair (ignore the image on that point), and a rather curvy form, something she shared with her opponent. She also notably had multiple eyes. She turned to look in the rough direction of the opponent waiting for her. She smiled. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [color=977acc]‘Greetings! I am Ronja Koskela. I’m pleased to meet you,’[/color] she said, smiling and sounding pretty pleased with this arrangement. [color=977acc]‘This keijo-thing is pretty amusing, isn’t it? Weird games humans decide to do for their entertainment. Or is it for the entertainment of the viewers? Hoho, either way, when I heard about it I just had to try it,’[/color] she said, rather jovial in her tone. [color=977acc]‘Still, when it comes to hitting people with our butts…’[/color] Ronja said, and put her hands on the platform before lifting a leg up to climb up. And then another leg. Then another leg. Then another leg. Then another leg. Finally, she lifted up her massive lower body, the spider girl revealing her shape as she climbed out the water, her many legs tapping forward. [color=977acc]‘… I’d claim I have a bit of an advantage, wouldn’t you say?’[/color] Ronja said with deep amusement and slight wickedness, wiggling her body a bit to shake the giant spider abdomen that all qualified as her “rear”. [hider=Current Appearance][center][img][/img][/center] I will note I usually try to find original characters for images of my characters, but in the case of finding a drider in a swimsuit, that was really hard, so it became a modestly well-known character. [hider=This is how Ronja regularly looks][center][img][/img][/center][/hider][/hider] [color=977acc]‘Are we ready to begin?’[/color] Ronja eventually asked while entwining her fingers and pressing her arms on her chest. “Ladies and gentlemen, what you are about to see is a thrash of the titans!” Dan’s voice emanated throughout the arena dome. “It’s Kejio Live, with yours truly and Pac-a-fist on the assist! In the south corner, we have Hilaria the Hearty, a veteran of war with a hunger for victory! And in the north corner, we have the eight-legged Lady of Lissom, Ronja!” The camera broadcast panned across the contestants as usual. “Who will win in this clash between colossi? And will the arena itself survive their meeting? Let’s find out!” [color=orange]”We haven’t even had a proper round of trash talking though!”[/color] “Oh, you’re right!” Dan froze as he was about to ring the bell. “Let’s see what they have to say to each other! I bet it’s going to be vicious!” Ronja would come to find Helewisa's response to be strange, as it came in the form of an innocuous-sounding question. "Hey, hey~!" she called to Ronja, rather cheerfully. "Can you press your elbows to your belly button?" The commentators said their thing while Ronja registered what Helewisa had said, and then looked down on herself. [color=977acc]‘Oh,’[/color] she made a sound of realization. She smirked, then brought her elbows in towards her bellybutton… and her arms pushed her chest out on display as she did, putting significant emphasis on the bikini-clad rounded bodyparts. [color=977acc]‘Like this?’[/color] Ronja asked with a chuckle. Not a single person in the crowd seemed as ecstatic as Helewisa, who pumped her fist to the sky and gave a little hop after blatantly staring for nearly a minute. "Wonderful~!" she applauded the accomplishment. "A feat that inspires envy for those of us unable to do the very same!" Hilaria eagerly attempts to do the very same... only her attempts fail to have the same result as Ronja's, as she is quite literally impeded by her own chest. "Bigger isn't always better, you see! Of course, that is always going to depend on the circumstance, that’s why it just isn’t fair!" Ronja blinked a little at Hilaria's comment. It was not what she'd expected. Still… she chuckled. [color=977acc]‘Actually, I'm sorry to say,’[/color] she said, lifting her chest with one arm to demonstrate, [color=977acc]‘I can't reach, it's some distance out, I just did my best due to your earnest request. Alas, my massive shape gets in the way when I do the most common things in life. I tear things from shelves, I have to squeeze through corridors, I accidentally bump into small people in my way. It must be nice, being so much smaller…’[/color] It was unclear if she was talking about her general body-size or just her chest that she was currently emphasizing. “Um, it looks like the they’re having a...discussion,” Dan commented, looking a bit confused. “I suppose this counts as trash talk!” "It's not fair..." Hilaria suddenly points a finger at Ronja as she makes this statement, then places one foot forward with a heavy stomp... shaking the very arena they stood on! "So unfair, this sport!" It is here where Wisa's aura changes drastically, the playful dragged away and replaced by sheer hostile intent, though more focused on Keijo than Ronja herself. Still, it was there and palpable so if she mistook its target it would be understandable. "Use of scutum is prohibited, yet you needn't even resemble a human to participate? Bah! Witch trials were far less lopsided!" “Hey now, we don’t burn anyone here at the stake!” Dan commented. “But we do dip magical people into water...” He turned silent, as if he realized something. “Uhh, alright, it’s time to battle!” He rang the bell. Helewisa recalled her defeat during her last attempt at Keijo. The star players in that match were Mika, and Dina. Both of whom used transformations in order to better their chances to win. What was Hilaria, who fought with skill and technique, supposed to do against a huge monster? Her axe can cut down such foes, but even her posterior, as shapely and sizable as it is, cannot! How was she supposed to best a sphinx and the Avatar with her ass?! It was absurd! Only with Mika's help did she even get as far as she had, and that merely reinforced her loathing of Keijo's state. Well, if Keijo desperately wanted to favor monsters, then she would become one. And so she let out a terrifying roar, far too threatening and primal to be considered trash-talk! [color=purple]"---___---!"[/color] In an instant, a ripple of energy surged through Hilaria and drastically altered her body. The definition in her muscles became far more apparent, her eyes displayed a glow with a golden hue, her teeth became sharpened, and she grew horns and claws that appeared to be sharp enough to slice through metal like a hot knife through butter. [color=orange]”Oh...”[/color] Pac-a-fist sat back in her seat. . [color=orange]”This one’s a weirdo too. But she’s got that JRPG vibe going for her that I like. And Dryders are from DnD right? It’s a battle of table tops!”[/color] “It sure is!” Dan answered. “Roll for initiative!” Ronja only had a split second to identify the change before, with enough force to rock the platform, the beast blasted off straight for her, intending to strike! Even if Hilaria wasn't the fastest magical girl, even empowered, that didn't leave an eternity for the spider girl to decide her course of action, so she would have to choose quickly. Yet as Hilaria approached and let loose her attack, she did so in a way to suggest her displays were far more for the purpose of intimidation instead of lack of sanity, as she attacked not with tooth and claw, but with her rear side, fulfilling the conditions for Keijo combat. Ronja's expression lost all semblance of amusement as Helewisa started her objection, first looking surprised and then settling for a blank expression. She understood the girl's objection. The spider-girl had hoped to inspire desperation, seeing fear would be fun, but she could understand this anger. Unfortunate, but understandable. She poured Reinforcement through her body in preparation. With Hilaria having transformed, however, it meant her strength-advantage had been boosted additionally. Big as Ronja was, this was still a battle between the strong and the agile, with Ronja being the agile one. Ronja quickly dashed along the passway to the next platform on all legs turning so she was facing Hilaria regardless. With her feet attached to the passway with web, she attempted to time a first swing of her whole body and spider’s abdomen, trying to time it with dodging the first attack and attacking after. As she did, she held a hand and shot a line of reinforcement web to the next platform intending to pull herself away from her enemy after her strike. “Hilaria starts off with a charge!” Dan commented. “And Ronja dodges! Size is not everything when it comes to Keijo, folks! That momentum can turn even a smaller contestant into a dump truck!” [color=orange]”But it doesn’t hurt to have a dump truck anyway!”[/color] Hilaria's rear end came to an abrupt stop right where Ronja had been but a split second ago. A strong blast of air continued from where she stopped and Ronja could sense that blocking the charge probably would've flung her overboard had she tried after building up speed from that distance. On top of this, Ronja would feel a sharp force pulling her towards Hilaria when she got close, which slowed the startup of her spin, allowing Hilaria to reach the platform before her strike reached. The blow caused her pause and might have even caused her to lose footing had she been hit on the narrow pathway instead of the platform. Furthermore, Ronja's retreat was momentarily impeded by that very same force pulling her towards Hilaria, but the spider managed to pull free from it eventually as her attack had prevented Hilaria from capitalizing on it, leaving the two in a neutral state, so to speak. [color=purple]"C_W-R_!"[/color] “And they collide!” Dan shouted. “I could feel the impact all the way to this commentator booth!” [color=orange]”We really need to swap out these office chairs for ones that don’t roll around!”[/color] Pac-a-fist did her best to hold onto the console. Hilaria wasted no time and began another charge, only this time she made a large leap over the pathway instead of running directly on it. The berserker soared high into the sky, so high in fact that she momentarily blotted out the sun from Ronja's point of view. The sun was now replaced with Hilaria's butt, which was aimed at Ronja! And with gravity on her side, Hilaria (and her butt) descended with incredible force! Dan was quick to comment. “And there she goes with a meteor drop! Ronja’s cast in shadow where the sun don’t shine!” [color=orange]”Brace for impact!!”[/color] Yeah, Ronja had predicted trying to actually stop that would have been a mistake. Still, it was important information that Hilaria could stop basically instantly… and the wind pulse from this was about to pull her in from just the force of it. What a way to just indirectly apply force on someone. Impressive. As Hilaria jumped, Ronja dashed out over the water. That is, she headed towards the middle platform while walking on platforms she was creating herself in order to escape the blow from above that also would surely spell the end if it hit. For all Hilaria’s complaints, it sure seemed like Ronja was the one on the defensive. As she realized Hilaria (may still be descending on her), Ronja leapt for the main platform to dodge, intending that Hilaria may just descend at her last position, over water, and crash through, though it was unlikely. Remembering that last pull she shot some web at the main platform to pull herself in, but could also always create a new platform under her feet if she found herself unable to and about to fall in the drink. The sun trick didn’t help. Ronja doesn’t need eyes to see. The moment that Ronja moved over the water, the airborne Hilaria abandoned the attempt to bum-bard her. The star fell true to the platform her spider foe had once been on and with a twist of her body, the ancient touched down on her feet with a loud crash. Her choice was only just fast enough, as the small platform struggled to stay regain buoyancy instead of succumbing to the partial submersion brought about by the comet. “Look at those waves!” Dan commented. “Hilaria’s mere landing was enough to shake the platforms like an earthquake! Is Ronja doomed to keep escaping from the juggernaut that is Hilaria?" Helewisa could only glare at Ronja with bared teeth as they were separated, for the time being, as her reckless attempts at big swings had proven to be ineffective up to this point. This fact was apparently something she acknowledged, for she chose instead to begin walking at a brisk pace down the pathways of the smaller platforms on her way to the central one, presumably to try something once she reached it, as her options at a range were rather limited. [color=977acc]‘Phew. So much for my large size to be an advantage. I wanted to tease some smaller girls and have a good time, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to accomplish that goal. Everyone’s so serious,’[/color] Ronja sighed, speaking where her numerous legs braced themselves on the main platform, having left a web she could walk on over the water she just crossed. [color=977acc]‘Oh, well. I do kind of deserve it, don’t I?’[/color] she asked with a smirk. [color=purple]“P-OB_B-Y!”[/color] Came a guttural roar from Wisa. Dan chipped in: “Hilaria seems to have invented a new language just for shouting profanities without being censored by the network! But don’t take my word for it!” [color=orange]”I know I don’t!”[/color] As Helewisa approached the main platform Ronja manifested a wall of Reinforcement at the end of the pathway, blocking the path. She then swiftly moved out over the water, manifesting her own floor to walk on in order to swing her giant spider’s abdomen-butt into Helewisa from the side to hopefully make her topple off the small walkway, but Ronja was once again not really counting on it hence the web attacked to the plattform she just left in order to pull herself back to safety with if she were to be counter-attacked. [color=orange]”Looks like the dryder is done running.”[/color] Pac sipped her ice tea. “Ronja’s going on the offensive with a flanking smash!” Dan squeaked. Ronja's booty blast was, as she suspected, not enough to remove Hilaria from the match, but the narrow passage prevented Hilaria from sprawling and so the alternative was striking a wide pose in the best attempt she could manage at properly defending against it. She faced Ronja did her best to backpedal so as not to take the full brunt of the arachnobutt, narrowly avoiding a full-on direct hit. It wouldn't be proper to call it a graze but(t) the edge of Ronja's behind hit around half of Hilaria's and it was only through utilizing the extent of her meager gravity magic to make a pseudo-anchor out of the back half of her body did she convert what would surely still throw her off into a clutch save. She spun, managing to swap halves each time to influence her momentum backward rather than to the side into the water, off-balance, and for a second nearly tripped as she tried to regain her stance, wobbling her arms almost in a panic. But in the end, she did it! Barely! Admittedly, she wasn't confident about surviving another attempt like that. [color=purple]"E-SY"[/color] she proclaimed in an aggressive voice, though what right she even had to say that was anybody's guess. “And Hilaria deflects the wrecking ball maneuver, managing to stay afloat!” Dan shouted. “No normal player could have stood their ground after such a blow!” Pac-a-fist turned to Dan. [color=orange]”Do normal people even play Keijo?”[/color] Ronja, in the meantime, had pulled herself back to the main platform after the hit, just in case she’d have run into a deadly counter-attack… and found herself watching Helewisa’s wobbling and just precisely keeping steady. Ronja giggled, raised two hands and gently clapped for her opponent. [color=977acc]‘Well done. But, suppose it was easy, after all, you didn’t have as much [i]weight[/i] that would have pulled you down as it would have me…’[/color] she said, finding her mood again. Still, there was something she did wonder. [color=977acc]‘So, what use do you have of the Black Mirror? Or did you just enter for the sport or to protect the dimension? Still, tell you what…’[/color] Ronja gave a slightly sad smirk as she looked to Hilaria. [color=977acc]‘I don’t stand much of a chance against Rachel. I was entered to fill out the ranks. But, maybe, just maybe, you would stand a chance? You surely have the raw power for it. If you were to win the mirror, we’d be very much interested in making a deal for it. How about it? We’d be willing to reward you handsomely for it!’[/color] she suggested, the spider-lady smiling with a happy tone as she suggested it. Hilaria appeared to be confused by the words the spider spoke, as if they were new and foreign to her. [color=purple]“Mirror? Rachel?”[/color] she shrugged, her features softening somewhat. [color=purple]“Can’t lose beach, don’t care about anything else,”[/color] It seemed to take considerable effort to speak somewhat normally for Hilaria as she made her words concise. [color=purple]“Or,”[/color] Wisa inhaled deeply, then exhaled. She did this a few times and her form seemed to waver between her default and enraged as she did. She punched her palm and smirked. [color=F65772]“Whose size…and shape... maybe I’d like to see what prevails~”[/color] Ronja took a brief glance at the thin walkway Helewisa was standing on and down on the water between them. She smirked, pushing out her chest. [color=977acc]‘You’d like to compare them? Fufufu. Your funeral.’[/color] With that statement, Ronja [i]leapt[/i] at Helewisa while she was still on the tight passage. The intention was for the spider-woman to strike her chest into her opponent (at her chest if able to) with the intention to knock Helewisa off the platform with her full weight from the side. Ronja could make such an aggressive leap because she could then use Reinforcement to jump on a barrier before hitting the water herself, and intended to leap on towards one of the smaller platforms behind Helewisa after she struck. Wisa seemed more eager to meet with Ronja’s chest than the spider did, not bothering to wait for the spider to reach her -- she lept towards Ronja mid-air with the obvious intention of colliding chest to chest, though in her case the risk was a lot greater given her lack of web or reinforcement magic to back her up. [color=977acc]‘Oh.’[/color] Ronja made a face of realization as Helewisa turned out to have enough of a footing to jump straight back at Ronja despite the fact that Ronja was attacking over water. The two bodies slammed together, chest-to-chest, and with Helewisa being significantly stronger than Ronja the two were carried across the water, past the slim part of the main platform that Ronja had leapt from and towards the water, only for the both of them to slam into a barrier that Ronja manifested to not fall into the drink. Still with momentum backwards, the two slid off the water and onto one of the small platforms surrounding the main platform with pathways off it, Helewisa able to use Ronja’s own barriers to pursue. They came to a stop on the small platform, only because Ronja manifested a new barrier behind her giant butt that she was promptly pushed up against, preventing her from being struck out the stage. “The continents have collided, causing an earthquake!” Dan dramatically added. “They are locked in a bust-to-bust battle! Who will prevail!?” Pac had nothing to add other than the sound of her sucking ice tea through a straw. Though her office chair had been strapped to the floor pretty tightly. Ronja grunted as Helewisa’s and her great chests were squished against one another, but she had a solution in mind. A surge of Reinforcement magic flowed through her body, bolstering her. The web on a different part of the arena and the barrier behind her withered away, yet she wasn’t being pushed back anymore. Ronja smirked back at Helewisa, their chests squished together, with Ronja probably being a bit naturally taller because big spider, her many legs attached to the platform below. [color=977acc]‘Perhaps… I can do this after all,’[/color] Ronja panted a bit, having put all her considerable magic into buffing her strength, [i]almost[/i] matching Helewisa in strength and her extra weight doing the rest, as their two pairs of great assets were competing for domination against one another. [color=F65772]"You're pretty good... for a coward...!"[/color] Helewisa taunted, though she was obviously struggling quite a bit too judging by the sweat on her brow. Being the shorter of the two, she was subject to gravity's effects as well as the enhanced spider. Still, she would start to wrestle the lead from Ronja for a bit, only to lose it and be on the receiving end and this process would repeat as the two could find not the added bit of strength to press their advantage to a victory at the moment. [color=977acc]‘Haha, you’re… not bad yourself, little brute~’[/color] Ronja taunted right back, but the truth was, she was struggling. To keep this advantage she was straining her magical output to the limit to increase her strength. However, she wasn’t boosting her endurance, which was a far cry from Helewisa’s. Her poor sizable breasts were not as sturdy as her opponent’s and they were starting to really ache as the two girls of currently massive strength were squashing their chests at this battle of domination! If only she could overpower her opponent, get her off the platform…! But no, the two were hard-pressed to overpower one another. It was tempting to try to remove her strength enhancement to try something trickier… But her pride was on the line! Not to mention, she felt if she reduced her strength to do other magic, she’d be shot straight off the platform into the water! She had to endure…! [color=977acc]‘Ready to call it quits yet…?’[/color] Ronja panted as the two were locked in their battle of chest-power…! [color=F65772]“As if…!”[/color] she retorted, just as stubborn as Ronja was in her pursuit of victory. She might have had more endurance than the spider girl, but that did not mean this was a breeze for her. She laughed defiantly. [color=F65772]“I can… do this all day…!”[/color] Suddenly, as the two were locked in their struggle for supremacy, the bell was rung. Immediately after, Dan’s image appeared on a large screen cast over the arena. “Time’s out!” He declared with a cross of his fins, signaling the end of the match. “Oh man, what an exciting battle that was! I felt like a colibri on coffee from start to finish with how much my heart was beating! Anyway, both competitors were amazing today, showing both great strength as well as skill. However, only one can be deemed the winner, who is...” He paused for dramatic effect. “...Hilaria! While Ronja showed great strategic skill with the use of her barriers, Hilaria had both solid fundamentals and the determination to use them. Congratulations!” He clapped his fins, and the audience joined in the clapping. [color=orange]”Always disappointing to see a match end with a time over, especially when we’re so close to seeing a ring out.”[/color] Pac-a-fist wiped off her mouth. [color=orange]”But the contestants did a great job, and both demonstrated excellent skill. Hopefully we’ll see more of Ronja next year!”[/color] [color=977acc]‘… Oh,’[/color] Ronja blinked a bit at the announcement, pulling back from their battle and putting her hands over her aching chest as she looked a bit taken aback for a bit. Aside from the last jump which had ended up in a struggle for domination, Hilaria hadn’t actually hit her once, yet the spider-girl lost? Did they subtract points from dodging and giving up ground earlier? Did Dan somehow factor in the fact Ronja’s lower endurance was taking its toll on her in that last face-off? … She sighed with a smile, and decided that didn’t really matter. [color=977acc]‘Okay, with the unpleasantries over… I will admit you have a pretty tremendous pair,’[/color] the spider-girl said with a smile, very intentionally using a word that meant both “big” and “good”. Despite her victory, Hilaria did not appear to be too excited. An arrogant smirk had overtaken her features during the chest bout, but that faded into a neutral expression as the reality dawned on her. This, however, lasted only a moment. Ronja seemed to take the defeat with grace, and though she typically wouldn't care about such things, Hilaria thought it would be rude to make a scene. [color=F65772]"A pair that hasn't proved itself your better,"[/color] Hilaria added with a small smile, hinting at a genuine appreciation of Ronja's assets. [color=F65772]“I won’t waste our time with theatrics if opportunity provides us with a rematch one day,”[/color] she stated, offering her hand for a shake as this match of Keijo came to a close. [color=977acc]‘Fufu. If that were to happen, I would be pleased. I’ll look forward to it,’[/color] Ronja replied, also smiling as she took Hilaria’s hand. With that, the battle was over, the combatants respected one another, and the scene came to a close. _________________ [color=ffd230]‘Aw, she lost,’[/color] Suzette sighed a bit, and then turned to the girl next to her. [color=ffd230]‘So, now that you’ve seen a bit of what our world is capable of, albeit through a really ridiculous game… what do you think?’[/color] she asked. The girl next to her had bated breath and wide eyes. It took a moment for her to reply. [color=yellow]‘I think you guys are completely insane.’[/color]