As soon as the attack was made, Han's training and instincts wasted no time kicking in. With the red dust kicked up by the blow, it actually made for a rather decent smokescreen which would only help cover their next movements. Following Niko's directions, Han cut back and to the left, ultimately putting them at an entirely different section of the wall. Everything looked like it was going well so far. And then Niko ran out in front, also part of the plan. The flash needed to be at his back or he'd get just as blinded by the Taiyoken as the cameras were about to be. [b]Taiyoken![/b] By now, Han would have shown Niko what the technique looked like when it was used. Both hands were placed instantly at his face, and both eyes were squeezed shut. Han was never sure if it was possible to be blinded by his own technique, but preferred not to ever take that chance. As for the flash itself, it came about by focusing one's Ki to a singular point in the face. Just as suddenly, the Ki is then allowed to explode outward in all directions from that singular point. Never powerful enough for the light to actually harm anyone, but certainly bright enough to leave the surrounding people blinded for a few precious moments. According to Niko, this flash would also be capable of disorienting the sensors of the security cameras to afford them a window to slip over the wall. Han had actually considered sharing this technique with Niko, as he may very well find a use for it as Han had. But decided against it for the time being, as Niko had only just begun to grasp the concept of Ki control. And even so, Han was no true expert himself and was uncertain whether he would able to suitably teach a more "advanced" Ki technique like this to someone still so new to the concept. "But bear this in mind," Han recalled telling Niko once during their training on the ship, "even if the Taiyoken won't physically harm you, there [i]does[/i] still exist other Ki techniques that are far more deadly than it. And You can be sure my Father and his top men are versed in some of them."