[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210908/d397ee476f4ffcdd9c4328e1f30f6830.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/29642b9ab4ec2f1594659adbe41e3668/tumblr_inline_ps9rhwDfQ11wv47ba_250.gifv[/img] Location: Freedom Festival; Bleachers Interactions: [color=ffc948]Kaylen[/color] [@Pyxis] Outfit: [url=https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/Xs2KhDefav1XSPMJjtYj5TMMED8/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2020/01/13/964/n/1922398/378704695a50f699_GettyImages-1028843422/i/Luka-Dropped-Out-College-to-Pursue-His-Dreams.jpg]∞[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Cassian had found carrying two plates full of funnel cake through a festival full of teenagers and teachers wasn't as easy as he had hoped it would have been. He initially had been maneuvering through the crowd as if he were avoiding laser trap wires to get to the locked safe at the end of a large room. When he grew tired of fighting for the life of him and his funnel cake he decided to move to the edge where the bleachers were. When he got there he took a sigh of relief of no longer having to deal with the thought of dropping this sugar covered batch of deliciousness. His momentary bask of glory was interrupted by the faint sound of what sounded like someone crying. He looked around and then up at the bleachers to see a few students scattered throughout. His eyes scanned until they found the source of the sound. He recognized who she was, but he didn't really [i]know[/i] her, but he did recognize that she was in his homeroom and that she was currently crying. Anything besides that didn't matter right now. [color=ccffcc]"Nat'll have to wait a bit."[/color] He marched up the bleachers providing enough sound on his way up so that he wouldn't completely startle her on approach. When he got closer he noticed pieces of cake on her shirt, but couldn't exactly place his finger on what kind. He looked down at his funnel cake and back at her stain and then back at his funnel cake. He knew exactly what he needed to do. Once Cassian was close enough he stopped and reached out the hand that held his own plate. [color=ccffcc]"Yo, want some funnel cake?"[/color] He didn't need to ask her what was wrong and he really doubted she wanted to tell him in the first place. He just knew it was hard to shed tears when you were stuffing your mouth with an olive branch as delicious as this.