[b][u] Columbia Province of Southern Cascadia Port town of Houie [/u][/b] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/41d43a26-e364-4d9b-80c4-a5015c805d42.png[/img] The ethereal sounds of gunfire echoed through the air…the Zetans made their final advance in all corners, what remained of the ground elements of Task Force Retribution, alongside a handful of Undefeated survivors, were now boxed in… gruesome scenes flashed in and out, bodies torn limb from limb, corpse scattered in the tunnels…they all ran, the battle was lost, all that mattered now was survival. The retreat, however, would come at a cost, many were too injured to even move, a sacrifice was to be made, a scene shifted to a mortally wounded Malcom alongside a tearful Isana, their hands grasping tightly as the couple looked to each other for the last time. “Like hell I’m leaving you behind!” A voice cried out in protest. “Gravemakers stick together to the bitter end!” “We already lost Binat! I’m not throwing away more lives!” Malcom shouted before succumbing to a coughing fit, hacking out blood. “Gideon….you still have a chance…” Isana looked to Gideon with a sorrowful expression. “Live for us, tell our families we love them, please...” “This is my final order.” Malcom said, weakly. “Live. Save as many people as you can, and live goddamnit.” The scene shifted once more as Gideon led what remained of the invasion force away from the enemy, Malcom, Isana, and the others making a last despite stand to stave off their advance, a series of gunfire echoing through the tunnel, followed by an explosion before all went silent… Gideon closed his eyes as he found himself in a dark void, surrounded by the corpses of his fallen brothers in arms, crying out in anguish as he witnessed the unthinkable. Gideon jolted up from his bed, the early sunrise beaming through the windows, break out in cold sweat, breathing in a rapid pace as the room got blurry, same damn nightmare as many times before. “Fuck..” He cursed to himself as jumped off the bed, washing his face, starring into the mirror to see not a War Hero….but a scarred, broken old man. A short while later, Gideon stood outside on his apartment’s balcony, taking in the sights before him, familiar scent of the sea breeze taking over the air, he can at least can take solace in the fact that Columbia still stands, his real war being over long ago…but the pain of losing his friends, his only family, is too much to handle, it is a pain that never will truly go away. “I need a drink.” [hr] (To [@Liotrent]) [b][u] Earth The Meeting Place Columbian Embassy. [/u][/b] Once the New Havenist’s rather…..unorthodox introduction came to a close, the guards and staff that remained behind to hold the fort were left with puzzled looks, some more amused than others. “That was a banger, I gotta admit.” One of the Republican Guardsmen noted. Similar to the Zetans, the Columbians had found themselves in a rather awkward position, the Ambassador himself not available at this time, but of course, he had left his secretary in charge of the Embassy in times like this, and it was all up to her now. Secretary, or rather, Acting Ambassador Janna Ranford was a very recent addition to the Columbian Embassy, coming at the recommendation as a “fresh…but promising talent.” And with the new arrivals, this could be her opportunity to prove herself. Janna clumsily stood right up, the commotion garnering the Guard Captain’s attention. “Ma’am?” “Captain, send an invite to our new guests. Tell them the Columbian Republic welcomes them to the Meeting Place, and we’ll gladly offer them a short tour.”