Raddek smiled at Vashti's manner, though his smile couldn't be seen encased in his helm. Rather he made sure to walk ahead of her so any snake-like beasts that made their way through the brush would be scared off or discovered by him first. He knew the foliage nor beasts were poisonous for the most part, considering most people who dropped weren't immediately killed and a few teams had come back. Less than half was still enough to bring back stories, and Raddek was certain they could at least make the trek to the ruins. He stayed alert, however, and kept his weapon trained on any large tree or object he could see as he had promised. "Nearly there?..." He asked, his voice slightly automated from his modular box. "We've been walking a little over half an hour, and the ruins are twelve miles away from landfall...so nope." They walked another two hours, the system's sun in the sky nearly motionless was a good sign, but even with the temperature regulators in their armor, it was getting hot. Soon they had to begin moving uphill, the tree line growing thinner, though the trees themselves stayed as thick and tall as ever. A small monkey-like creature with leather-like plates scampered past them, and it was after they looked up from it that they saw the rusted, half demolished utility buildings peaking over the rockcrete walls. Raddek saw the area was overgrown, but it has staved off most save the most ambitious plant-life. Briefly he wanted to try and blast through the wall, but he realized the gate was close by. "I'm glad the intel was right," he said to her deadpan, moving southward around the bend in military fashion, weapon up and eyes peeled until they found the gate; torn off its hinges. Judging by the state of it, it happened years ago. Raddek whispered for her to scan left, and he walked in, turning right. There was a dome of glassteel, dented but unbroken. Likely a place for someone to garden and keep a steady food supply. Beyond that, a larger building that swept both left and right, half of it destroyed and the other half relatively intact save for the gaping holes at its fore. "We made it," He said. "Fucking sweet."