[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210708/1a8bc7e6a7a873ddb8984a515ec0fc01.png[/img] [indent][sub]September 21st, 2064 Castleburg Bullet N-Train Unspecified Industrial District[/sub][/indent][/center] [color=Thistle]“No no [I]NO[/I]!”[/color] Pandora’s trick had worked. The nuclear weapon went careening to the ground, taking Pandora with it. The jet jolted as its heavy load was unsteadily released, sending the cockpit (and possibly the person clinging onto it) rolling. Meanwhile, the bomb was aimed squarely at the clearing. Much to everyone’s surprise, however, a racing bullet of a man- Blitz- came running and caught the bomb in his hands. The heft of it would be enough to send any man to the ground. Meanwhile, in the cockpit, Sam raged. She banged on the dashboard, screaming in frustration. [color=Thistle]“God DAMNIT! Fuck you! Fuck you [i]all[/i]! I’m going to fucking kill you bastards!”[/color] Her face was red as she turned some switches and armed the jet. [color=Thistle]“Angela! Kill every other fucking hero you can find on that goddamn train. We’re sending a message.”[/color] [color=BlueViolet]“Message received. On route now.”[/color] [color=Thistle] “And for these guys…”[/color] Sam smiled wickedly. [color=Thistle] “They’re getting a mouthful of bullets. Starting with this fuckboy on my windshield.”[/color] Then, casually, Sam pulled out a machine gun, rested it on the dashboard, and began to shoot at Dawnbreaker [i]through[/i] the glass of the cockpit with one hand. All the while, she used her other hand to aim her mounted guns at Pandora and Blitz and started to shoot, rapid-fire at them. [color=Thistle]“Can’t hear you, shitrooster, but you’re about to die.”[/color] [hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/winter-in-january-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210714/9b25ed2bfa28843364c44ecae866c517.png[/img][/url] [color=cce7ff][b]Mission:[/b][/color] On Cloud Nine [color=cce7ff][b]Location:[/b][/color] Castleburg Bullet N-Train [color=cce7ff][b]Interacting:[/b][/color]Dead Man ([@Duoya])[/center] The train car was a [i]mess[/i]. There were bits of blood and gore streaked over everything, including Marcie, and the few pirates who [i]were[/i] alive were struggling helplessly on the floor. They made miserable moaning noises, curled around their gory wounds. Marcie winced, her stomach turning. She needed a shower and a ginger ale ASAP. Just when she thought the battle was over, though, there was a shrill rending sound. A red laser sliced a hole in the wall and, before Marcie could react, the bomb was gone, along with the man who she had encased in her ice. She blinked, stunned. [color=cce7ff][i]That was fast.[/i][/color] In her head, the tired girl resigned herself to failure, but then Dawnbreaker, Pandora, and Blitz leaped out of the hole in the train car in pursuit. The train rocked, sending Marcie’s stomach roiling again. She approached the hole with Travis, wondering if she should go after them. She gulped, staring at the long drop. Hell no. For now, the two of them seemed to be on clean-up duty. As Travis requested, Marcie started to freeze the bodies of the alive pirates, although she quietly wondered at the point of it as they were horrifically maimed. She also went around reinforcing the frozen-over holes in the wall, just in case any came back. [color=cce7ff]“I think they do…”[/color] she replied, frowning in thought. [color=cce7ff]“Or we get a 20% discount. Get me some chocolate milk if you’re going.”[/color] [hr] On the train, a woman stalked the halls. This menacing figure, unlike Sam, seemed to be taking things completely in stride. She was tall, with dark skin and black, curly hair. Without a sound, she wiped and cleaned her bloody dual katanas. The two on the floor had put up a fight, but they hadn’t been a challenge. Amplify and Dhampir laid on the floor, both unmoving. Amplify looked very [i]dead[/i], having been split open sternum to navel, but Dhampir at least still seemed to be breathing. With a sigh, “Angela” sheathed her blades. That fight had been a bit messy for her liking. Dhampir and Amplify had put up a good fight, but she had prevailed. Perhaps the heroes towards the back of the train would be as much fun. [hr] Only moments after Marcie announced her intent to chug down a glass of chocolate milk, “Angela”, with bated breath, hid herself behind the doorway into the storage room. As soon as Travis would walk out to buy food, she would ambush them- and hopefully succeed in carrying out her mission of ending their lives. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210709/7e6acff86d620e3dbdb844565042976d.png[/img] [indent][sub]September 21st, 2064 'Totally Innocuous Warehouse' Brookside, South Castle Island[/sub][/indent][/center] The men outside of the warehouse seemed to be having a bit of trouble. They had taken out the lookouts, but they couldn’t find their target. If a hero looked out the window, they’d notice men in suits casing the area, murmuring amongst themselves. Finally, one seemed to decide to stop looking around and start actually being useful, and he headed into the warehouse. He set down his heavy-looking briefcase as he walked in, brushing dust off his suit. This guy was a towering blonde white man wearing a suit. “Yo, guys,” he said to Beth, Leon, and Nilin. “I can’t find her. Any idea where she is? I’m, uh, Sam, by the way. You could call me… Strong Boy, too, if you wanted.” ‘Sam’ scratched his head, looking around, bewildered. If one looked close enough, they could see at least three visible guns on him. Strange for someone named ‘Strong Boy’...