Although Rose is in a chock hold by Ana, at least the two ladies are best friends already. Rose is kinda worry though, she did hear that someone used to sleep on the top bunk under Ana before they....Passed. Rose just doesn't want Ana to hate her, thinking that she is replacing her bunkie, or everyone crewmate. The train of those worry thoughts were cut when a big lady clapped Rose and Ana on their backs. Man! This lady may pop Rose back cause that was a hard clap! Hot damn! Rose then walk her crewmates for chow, which is a good thing for Rose cause she is hungry. Maybe what space does, making everyone hungry super fast. As she walking with her crew, there it was, her insignia in all it glory. She feel like a kid watching fireworks for the first time, but instead of fireworks, it's fireteam's insignia. Rose feel rather small while looking at all of them, people actually made these things by hands, human hands. Is this what Rosalina been missing in her life while she being cooped up in home while her father is trying to make some deals with powerful people and trying to put her in arrange marriages.....She wonders how siblings are doing, do they miss her? Clementine probably miss her the most while Dahlia and Evander pretend that Rose doesn't exist....How many years has it been? Rose stomach then growl, telling that they are hungry. "Soooo umm...What are we going to eat?" Rose say to the crew.