[hider=Willow][color=lightskyblue][CENTER][h1][b]W I L L O W[/b][/h1][/CENTER][/color] [hr][h2]BASIC INFO[/h2][hr] [indent][b]Name:[/b] Willow Simone Dendry [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Year:[/b] Senior [b]Gender:[/b] Female[/indent] [h2]APPEARANCE:[/h2][hr] [indent] [b]Height:[/b] 5’7 [b]Weight:[/b] 71 lbs [b]Skin Color:[/b] White. [i]Literal[/i] white. [b]Physical Description:[/b] A pale ghost of a girl. Average height, thin build. No meat or muscles at all. Skin and hair, all colorless. Big eyes, white like her skin, save the pupils and pitch black sclera. Button nose, thin lips, wavy hair going down to her neck. [b]Clothing:[/b] Dark tops. Dark pants. Lots of grays and navy blues. Never anything too bright. Likes big coats with fur on them. The kind old ladies would wear. [b]Voice:[/b] Soft. Quiet. Weak, almost. When she’s a ghost, it has an echo to it. [/indent] [h2]PERSONALITY:[/h2][hr] [indent] [b]Character Traits:[/b] Silent and observant. Strange in the eyes of strangers. Always has a smile on her face. Perfectly content with being alone, but doesn’t scorn companionship. Seldom the one who speaks to someone else first. Talks sparingly, but with kind words - if at times, [i]odd[/i] words. Blunt statements. Flowery language comes out when she likes someone. Bad parts. Curious. Too curious, sometimes. Explores places she’s not supposed to explore. Thinks she can’t be touched. Ghosts everything. Doesn’t take dangerous things seriously. Lacks long-term goals. No aspirations - just living in the moment. [b]Bonds:[/b] Seeing the world and the people in it. Spending a little bit of time with friends. Helping her father around the workplace. Small things. [b]Activities:[/b] Writing. Drawing. She has a little journal full of short stories, poems, and sketches. Loves to craft with the antiques at home, sometimes reads some of the old books too. Goes shopping for new coats every now and then. Explores abandoned, condemned, or otherwise [i]unoccupied[/i] unoccupied buildings. [b]Skills:[/b] Artsy things. The written word. Pencil sketches. Good at cleaning and sorting the antiques at home. Picked up a knack for staying out of sight when she wants to. [/indent] [h2]BACKSTORY[/h2][hr] [indent][b]Backstory:[/b] A man and a woman - Lloyd and Esther Dendry - had a child eighteen years ago, after the great light shone over Leesburgh. Abnormalities in the pregnancy, right away. Couldn’t see her in the ultrasound. Pressure fluctuations in the mother’s womb. Couldn’t have guessed the baby girl would float freely out of it, see-through. Her skin all white, her cries all echoing. Suddenly she solidifies, drops to the floor - a doctor catches her. Father always loved the strange and supernatural. Excited for what was happening. Mother feared it. Fear quickly turned to hate with the new wave of eventful births around town. Babies born floating. Crackling with electricity. Scales and tails. Willow’s mother couldn’t show any love to her. Got mad at her. Threatened to hurt her, and other children too. Lashed out at her husband. Said she wanted it to stop. Said she was afraid of them all. Swung a knife around one night, got taken away after that. Spent a few years locked up. Found dead in her room one morning. Aneurysm. Willow was only three during the funeral. Life went on. Willow got older. Learned to shift back and forth freely. Helped her father around the Rustic Palace. Developed a love of antiques and creativity. Moved into the shop when the house got sold. Went to school. Feared the bullies, kids and grown-ups, throwing stones at her. Learned to ghost the stones and stopped being afraid. Let all the dangers of the world pass right through her. Let nasty words go ignored. Stopped thinking about her mother. Started to smile again.[/indent] [h2]POWERS:[/h2][hr] [indent][b]Description:[/b] Incorporeality. The power to become intangible, weightless, translucent. Can fly freely through the air. Pass through solid matter. Takes her clothes and small possessions with her into the ether. Gives people shivers when she passes through them, like a cold specter. When physical, she’s floaty. Jumps higher than others. Falls slower. Gravity is kinder to her. [b]Limitations:[/b] Ghosting takes energy. Can’t stay intangible forever. One hour, no breaks, before passing out. Can’t be asleep and intangible at the same time. Can’t shift back to tangible if she’s still caught in something, even by a toe. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Heat. Fire. High temperatures. Disrupts the shifting process. Forces her back to corporeality.[/indent] [b]Other Information:[/b] Nothing for now. [h2]SCHOOLING[/h2][hr] [indent] [b]Favorite Subject:[/b] Fine Art 3. [b]Least-Favorite Subject:[/b] Science. [b]Grades:[/b] As in art and literature. Bs and (mostly) Cs make up the rest. Not the best student. [b]Embarrassing Moment:[/b] Sophomore year. Shifting through the school. Accidentally found herself in the boys’ locker room during senior gym class. [i]Lots[/i] of looks. Took her a moment to flee. Only time anyone’s ever seen her blush. [/indent][/hider]