[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0xs4xZC.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210420/7161bf858c241d15cf7be40b1adcab9d.png[/img] Location: Haly’s Circus Interactions: Viktor [@FunnyGuy][/center] That evening, it was time for the performance to start. Zatanna went up first, doing what she usually does. Dazzling the audience with a show using a combination of sorcery and stage magic that Zach knew he couldn’t possibly compete with. Yet, if he wanted to maintain his reputation, he had to. They had also gathered the list of suspects for the mission they were actually supposed to be on, but Zach wasn’t too concerned about that. He had a show to put on. Besides, what were they going to do, interrogate people? Batman specifically said not to do that. It would draw unnecessary attention to them. First things first, he had to get his lovely assistant ready. [color=darkviolet]“Viktor darling, I do hope you weren’t planning on interrogating those suspects yourself. We have a show to prepare for. First things first.”[/color] He handed Viktor a paper with Zach’s introduction on it that he wrote himself. [color=darkviolet]“You’re going to introduce me. Heres the script. Memorize that. You probably also need to work on your inflection… Also… Emutsoc egnahc!”[/color] He waved his wand, and changed Viktor’s clothes into a [url= https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/837776228794368011/881194876140654652/39232a84e3a1054e5c68733899022866.jpg]gray and black suit[/url]. [color=darkviolet]“If your going to be my assistant, you have to dress the part.”[/color] Then Zach started pacing in circles. [color=darkviolet]“Now the important part… What am I gonna do for an act? These people already saw my cousin. You’ve seen what she can do. She pulled an audience member out of her hat for crying out loud! What am I going to do that doesn’t seem derivative?”[/color]