[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5299039][img]https://i.imgur.com/lQmdsYW.png[/img][/url] [sub][i]Tutoring[/i][/sub] [sup]Lucy [@fledermaus] | Birdie [@KZOMBI3][/sup] [sub][i]Videos[/i][/sub] [sup]Sia [@metanoia][/sup] [sub][i]Casual[/i][/sub] [sup]Kat [@nasty][/sup][/center][hr][right][color=pink][b]Rose Point Heights[/b] [i]Morning[/i][/color][/right][hr] Mornings were always dreadful things, and this one proved to be no exception. After all, Mimsy expected to at least be cuddling something warm when she woke up, but instead only found an armful of blankets. It only made an already bad morning worse when the absence made her think of things altogether even more unpleasant, even if she secretly hoped that today would have been different. A hope that nearly made her heart jump out of her chest when she heard the dull vibration of her phone coming from somewhere in the room. It was nothing. It was probably nothing. Maybe it wasn't nothing. God damn it. Against all rational thought or reason, she grumbled and began to move out of her very comfortable, very plush, and very reliable bed to go find her phone. She of course, then immediately got to regret the fact that she very much liked to leave the windows open at night, as was the ritual for her every morning when she found herself mysteriously without clothes of any sort to protect her. [color=b1250a][i]A wonder for the ages.[/i][/color] She kicked aside a few toys and loose clothing before picking her phone up off the floor and seeing with only slight disappointment who it came from. Flirting with Kat proved to be a wonderful little distraction at least as Mimsy went through her morning rituals as she got ready to get to OIC. It was rare for her to have any reason to go to campus these days ever since she figured she didn't have to attend any lectures any more and still get good enough grades that professors were still willing to write her rec. letters when she asked without asking for too much of a bribe. The fact that it seemed to piss a majority of them off either because she either did well enough that they couldn't ask for bigger favors or just shy of being at a level where they could comfortably recommend her without any extra incentives was just an added bonus. In any case, they were often enough to continue landing her tutoring gigs that didn't need to be organized through OIC's tutoring center, which more than a few rich kids who liked their appearances were willing to pay for to avoid the ignominy of it, alongside the ones who just had a fetish and the select few who actually enjoyed her teaching style, the last group of which was who she actually cared about today. Shooting off a text to those few special members, she also remembered to shoot Sia a text to follow-up the adorable little freshman's ideas for videos. With messages sent, coffee consumed, and safety gear on, Mimsy got on her bike and sped through the quiet, affluent neighborhood as she let her thoughts and worries empty on the ride. It didn't take too long to get to campus anyways, especially at the speeds that Mimsy went, doubly so because she didn't even get flagged down today. Maybe the local cops had finally given up on ever getting a ticket to stick to her. Unfortunately it seemed some new nuisance had risen in their absence as Ms. Fortune seemed to have picked her new targets for the year, not that Mimsy really cared. She already saw the pictures people had started posting on all her socials, and honestly - a bulletin board? Either Ms. Fortune was an old dinosaur or she was too paranoid for her own good. What was more interesting anyways was a familiar face sitting in a cafe not too far away, and since she'd already proven such fun last night, Mimsy saw no harm in bothering Kat even further, especially since she had so rudely left in the morning with a text. Striding over and walking in, Mimsy gave a little wave to the baristas at the counter before slipping into Kat's booth, placing her helmet on top of the table before resting her chin on top of her interlocked hands. [color=b1250a]"Good morning. You last said something about ending up 'somewhere similar with one of the philosophy majors?'"[/color]