[i]Oh yeah…her party[/i]. Joseph hadn’t entirely forgotten, but this was their first real interval for conversation. He didn’t have much to say when she revealed her intentions and the plans they had allegedly made together in their youth, but she did sound fairly convincing. He leaned forward to receive the bottle from Elissa and refilled the beaker, he had a number of mixed leather, beaded and silver bracelets on both wrists. He glanced up with interest as she mentioned her fiancé, but merely blinked and nodded agreeably as though to acknowledge her disdain. [i]Most powerful, greatest pirate to ever live?[/i] Joseph couldn’t hold back this one, he almost choked on his brandy as he took a mouthful from the beaker, but thereafter made an effort to compose himself, “Miss, firstly if you’re going to tell me you’re Eli, then you’ve got more explaining to do” he began, “second… I [i]am[/i] the greatest pirate to ever live, clearly” he grinned broadly, once again displaying the slightly deviating upper canine, he gestured as though to exhibit the obviousness of that statement, “and thirdly… I don’t know if we were friends Miss but, we’re drinking together now and that counts for something. You said it was your birthday...” Joseph began, it was a question… sort of. It seemed to him she was spending it in a better way than she’d anticipated in light of everything she’d explained.. Flattering, really.