[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/JKGhg22/Webp-net-resizeimage-10.png[/img][hr][color=05794C][b]Location:[/b][/color] Akademos [color=05794C][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Sword Fighting[/center][hr] Well, to say she was happier with Cadena deciding to create a sword instead of the more long distance whip and all made her feel a little better, since at least the playing field was a little more level. Well aside from there being two of them and only one of her and all. She in a flash brought her sword up to block Cadena's first attempt at an attack, and she whirled around, rather easily dodging the attacks that were being sent towards her by Aguja. [color=05794C]"Wow, and here I was actually concerned about you two teaming up against me. You can't hit a damn thing anymore."[/color] Zari was giggling a bit, before she brought her sword around to try and hit Cadena again, but she blocked it and Zari ducked down out of the way and swung again. Unfortunately, things weren't going well as they seemed to be relatively evenly matched, as her next swing just connected with Cadena's sword, and again with her third swing. This was really really starting to get annoying to her, since she wasn't able to actually do any sort of damage. [color=05794C]"You are actually better than I thought, impressive,"[/color] she commented specifically to Cadena, ignoring Aguja entirely now. [hr][hr][center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/5HhQVQcFJxJ70OAwQX1ZKWP7ELAQD0O9dSCr8V5G2gU/https/i.postimg.cc/CKKhLp0d/image.png[/img][hr][color=9C00FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Roof [color=9C00FF][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Elasticity, Elastic Combat[/center][hr] Jack wasn't too sure what all was going on with the other two. Veil had gone through the floor and Kris had fallen off the edge, and he lucked out, as none of the asteroids seemingly hit him at all, which was lucky and all. Though a small part of him had actually hoped that he'd get hurt or [i]something[/i]. Just because at this point he didn't know how he'd feel about getting seriously injured, or even dead. Before... Well before everything he tried to avoid it whenever possible. Now, he just wasn't too sure about it. Seeing the opportunity, he launched an asteroid directly towards the person throwing them. Kris and Veil were both back on the roof, though someone else was up there with them now who he didn't really recognize. After his first throw missed, he looked at Kris and Veil, [color=9C00FF]"You two alright?"[/color] he asked them, before launching one more asteroid back. This time, his aim was right on target as there was a loud thud (and a bit of a crunch) as the guy throwing the asteroids went thoroughly [i]splat[/i]. [color=9C00FF]"Well at least that one is down."[/color] [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/2tg63YD/Miranda-Fay-1.png[/img][hr][color=AC42B2][b]Location:[/b][/color] House of M [color=AC42B2][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr] She frowned slightly when she heard Magneto's words with regards to Lorna. Of course, Miranda knew he did have a slight point as to the fact that the building (or what was left of it) was completely made out of metal. That didn't necessarily mean anything though, since if she had gotten surprised or knocked out in the head or something, then she could have easily gotten crushed. There was the downside after all with regards to everyone's powers, despite what he seemed to think about things. She knew that things could go horribly wrong very quickly in the right circumstances to mess with everyone. [color=AC42B2]"Erik, that means absolutely nothing, if Lorna got injured or something in the initial attack or something, she wouldn't have been able to defend herself and might be trapped,"[/color] she argued to him, clearly not too thrilled that he didn't seem to care. With the group dealt with though, she dropped the wall that she had created and turned to look at the mob of rubble that was there. [color=AC42B2]"Lorna?"[/color] She called out, looking around, wanting to make sure that she was alright. Of course, there were several things running through her mind making her wonder if Lorna was alright.