[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210730/2092ec3e4e6f3d33e14c948e6d94511c.png[/img] [hr] Dawnbreaker looked over at the nuclear bomb falling from the aircraft. Pandora had cut the wire and with that the villains entire goal had been ripped away from them. She may not be the nicest woman around, but she certainly gets the job done. As far as he was concerned that's a mission success. The villain's plans had been foiled and it was only a matter of time before she surrenders. For now though, he stood atop the hovercraft looking out to the distance. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. The horizon looked so nice from up here. No matter how many times he came up this high, it never stops taking his breath away. The sun shone directly on his face and wind blew past him, this time with no influence of his own. It was perfect. He wondered if anyone was looking up and could see him. Would they see a symbol of victory like Starbright had promised he could be? It seemed so ludicrous to image it. A calm smile came over his face as he day dreamed. But a murmuring could be heard from the cockpit. As he started to come back into focus, he realized that it was Sam. He began to look toward the woman in the ship. [color=2baaFF]"I assume that means you a ready to surren..."[/color] RATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA Dawnbreaker was met with rapid machine gun fire. He jumped back immediately to try avoid it, dedicating his full power into slowing the bullets down. It was hardly an efficient use of his power, but he was in panic mode. He stumbled back more almost losing his footing off the edge of the ship. His power was now dedicated to deflecting the bullets away to the side of him. There were a few narrow misses in there but it was working. 'Why does it always have to be guns?' The ship was becoming turbulent from all of the rapid, and seemingly random, wind flow around it. This made the ship rock around, the 'bullet avoiding dance' became even more exaggerated. But as the clip seemed finally out, he relaxed on his powers letting the ship stabilize. He was finally able to catch his breath. That was until one final bullet was sent straight into his right arm. She had saved the final bullet in the magazine. [hr] Dawnbreaker took a sharp breath as unbearable pain tore through his right arm. He was trying to keep his breath steady, but the shock of what had happened was still hitting him. He had be shot, he really had just been shot. Sure, heroes get shot all the time. But its not like they teach you how to get shot in the Academy. He clenched his jaw and hunched his shoulder as he gripped his arm. This was the most pain he had ever been in and he wasn't taking it well. Not to mention he needed both arms to fully control his powers. He could feel his control slipping without him being able to maintain the wind flow. Put into fight or flight like that, he was forced to make a gabmit. Thrusting out his uninjured arm, a harmless gust of wind passed both Sam and Dawnbreaker. This would seem innocuous to anyone who didn't know what it was. Dawnbreaker had his head ducked looking at the ground trying to deal with the pain. But there wasn't time for that and certainly not with anyone watching. Bringing his posture back to stance and raising his head in a cheesy smile, he looked Sam directly in the eye. While it was a good imitation of confidence, someone like Sam would be able to tell it was put on for show rather than anything genuine. Even if there wasn't the giveaway sign that the hero was still gripping his arm. [color=2baaFF]"I have to admit, you got me good with that one. But I wouldn't shoot another bullet up here if I were you. Shooting a bullet would ignite us both, and only one of us has the ability to put it out in time. You may have noticed its easier to breath, that's because we are surrounded by pure oxygen. As a hero, I can let you harm yourself like that. But if the gunfire taught me anything, it means you won't go down without a fight. So how about we fight hand to hand like real heroes and villains?"[/color] That didn't sound heroic at all. In the rush and panic of it all, it was hard to keep a persona going. In some ways he didn't care to keep it up, all he had to do was focus on staying alive and making this pilot see justice. If she did shoot, he doubted he would be able to deflect the bullet or put himself out. Gradually taking his other hand of his injured arm, he raises his fists as if he was in a boxing stance. Not an actual boxing stance but one that certainly looks like one. [hr] [/center]