[Center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/28hFcDbZ/Rain-Header-2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Haly's Circus [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Daphne [@dreamingflowers] Zach [@crimson flame] [hr] [i][color=silver]“Just don’t screw things up”[/color][/i] Viktor sent the text as he considered following Daphne or in the best case, intercepting her. He could not allow her to ruin another mission, and so he got up from his seat so he could get backstage. He had escaped the audience before a familiar voice stopped him. [color=darkviolet]“Viktor darling, I do hope you weren’t planning on interrogating those suspects yourself. We have a show to prepare for. First things first.”[/color] Viktor faced Zach with a somewhat bothered look at first, but remembered he had agreed to assist him in his act. Gathering information was important, but maintaining their cover as performers was just as crucial. He received Zach’s script and listened to his guidance before he heard a familiar spell. He flinched some as his casual clothing changed into something more formal. He favored the colors, but simply said… [color=silver]“Thanks.”[/color] He looked over the script, noticing many exclamation points within it. [color=silver][i]Inflection…[/i][/color] Viktor was finding his responsibility as Zach’s lovely assistant would be much more taxing than he thought. He could have suggested having Daphne or Ja fill his position, but the challenge presented enticed him. When Zach asked about what his act might be, he noticed that he was somewhat stressed. It was whenever he brought Zatanna’s talent up, that Zach’s confidence was shaken. [color=silver]“Change a steak into a rabbit… Your way. Fill in the gaps.”[/color] Viktor suggested.