[@Martian][@mattmanganon] [b]Nerima + Highton View Terrace[/b] Well, the Airdramon went down. So that was mission accomplished. Up above, Yusaku could hear some exaggerated groaning coming from Sparky. He clearly wasn't satisfied with this fight, "Wait, that's IT? Aww, c'mon, I wanted some ACTION!" he could be heard complaining from all the way down on the ground. [i]“By the way, my name’s Daichi. And that big tank guy is Dozer.”[/i] Yusaku offered a short glance of acknowledgement, but noticeably avoided direct eye contact, "You sure that's a good idea? Just giving your name to someone you don't even know? For all you know I'm your enemy here." he said, naturally dodging the notion of giving his own name in return. Of course, he tended to have trust issues in general, so maybe he was just being paranoid. Although maybe he was being a little [i]too[/i] obstinate right now? "Relax, I didn't actually mean that. Yeah, I'm ATLAS, same as you." he looked around as second. The mist was taking an awfully long time to clear up, but he shrugged it off. "Call me YuYa." and when the flying lion made another audible groan he rolled his eyes a bit, "And the whining Digimon up there is Sparky. Seriously, Sparky! Knock it off already, honestly you can be such a kid sometimes!" "Grr..." the lion grumbled as he came down for a landing, "...uh, boss? Shouldn't the mist be gone by now?" and right about then was Yusaku noticed that the mist wasn't going away but instead was getting even thicker. "What the? That's... new. The mist is supposed to go away when we win, not get worse." and finally he noticed the new alert on his Digivice. Sometimes keeping the thing silenced could be a drawback... like right now, for instance, "Oh crap, Highton View Terrace?! That's practically in this neighborhood! Sparky, we're not done here yet. Take us up." he climbed up onto Firamon's back in order to ride him. "Another battle? SCORE!" exclaimed the Digimon in an excited tone as he flapped his wings and took to the air. Thanks to the advantage of flying, Yusaku and Sparky could get to the scene almost immediately. It... wasn't pretty. Some black Digimon and someone he guessed was his partner were fighting... something hiding in the mist. "Put me down on the roof, Sparky." said Yusaku, pointing to the rooftop of a nearby apartment building. "Uh... why not on the ground near the other humans there, boss?" "Because I can get a better view of things from higher above. Besides, what am I supposed to do down there? Shake hands and offer a howdy-do?" "Whelp, you're the boss, Boss." said the Digimon while landing itself onto the specified roof. He took off flying again after Yusaku hopped off his back, "Alright, time for Round 2! It's about to get EVEN HOTTER!" he yelled off while swooping down into the fray with a Flame Dive. "No no no!" Yusaku shouted, "Ugh, idiot... I wanted you to keep your distance until we figure out what the threat is!" but unfortunately the Digimon had already launched himself into the fray long past the point of being called off.