[@KitsuneWarrior] Let's avoid the name calling, and this is a late reply, but: First, you need to decide if you want humane traps or not. Humane traps are the catch-and-release type ones, obviously. The others are your typical spring traps, glue traps, poison/bait traps, etc. Unless you plan on releasing the mouse far from your house in like, some kind of field or forest, I highly don't recommend humane traps, especially if you're worried about potential diseases. Sure, it's humane, which is nice. But at the same time, the mouse will just end up finding its way back into your house unless you release it far away. Trust me: I've lived near cornfields and forests all my life. Dealt with my fair share of field mice getting inside. Personally, I would suggest the traditional spring/snap traps. They're inhumane, yeah, but you can always reuse them if needed (you can reuse the catch-and-release ones, but see above point). [url=https://www.amazon.com/Tomcat-0373524-Wooden-Mouse-Trap/dp/B01N0Y1I7T]These[/url] are probably among the easiest spring traps to set up off the top of my head. Once you get the mouse (and any other mice that might be lingering around), I do suggest looking around your place for any possible way they could've got in and get it filled in. Expanding caulk is an easy fix for that kind of stuff; we did it for a temp fix to cover a hole a snake had slithered in from.