[h2]Ashte[/h2] Right, she gave up, the violent idiots could... do whatever they wanted. There was a [i]time[/i] and a [i]place[/i] for stabbing your enemies, and it wasn't immediately after you captured them! Now any fanatics would take that frustrating "I'd rather die than be killed approach" and ignore all her charms. Or not be able to answer the questions through all the screaming, people were so easily distracted by a little pain... Instead, she joined the group around the feverish girl, looking at her sleepy, confused face... oh, this girl was so cute! Cute priestesses (or possible priestesses?) were just the most [i]adorable[/i] things. Getting more answers out of her, or explaining the situation, would probably require disentangling the unfortunate girl from where she'd been pulled into a smothering hug. And, more awkwardly, Ashte's chest.