[center][i]Edenridge Presents: The Halloween Special[/i] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/6f767c168fd93d3b505ae1a0e6aac57d/tumblr_piyx39zqad1tlgqkgo2_540.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211001/456a2f38ddc61514ae40fd6797904ec9.png[/img] [hr][hr] [color=C652D5]“Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host, the demon dream girl herself Mei Midnight and you are listening to a very special broadcast of the Midnight Frequency. Why is this special you ask? Well it’s because tonight I am coming at you live from the legendary Elder Tree that sits by Edenridge Lake. The supposed home to the curse that binds this and forces it to bow to evil. And tonight boys and ghouls, I’m going to attempt to break that curse”[/color] Mei waded through the small six feet of water to reach the Elder Tree of myth; the camera she had set up back on the shore directed towards her. Everybody local knew the story; In 1670, Nathaniel Carlisle arrived in Edenridge to begin a movement to purge the new township of the native contingent. The man easily pursuaded the infantile settlers to follow his law and decree. He soon became the first Mayor of Eden and stamped his mark everywhere. When Nathaniel caught his very own daughter, Esther with a native girl, engaging in what he would later call black magic but modern historians believe to be a same sex relationship, he went off of the deep end. The Massachusett tribe girl was hung from the very same Elder Tree that sat at the centre of a lake where Mei now was. This act has been cited as the first murder in Edenridge’s soon to be sordid history. Carlisle then put his own daughter on trial for witchcraft, of which she was found guilty by the townsfolk. She was tied to the same Elder tree and burned alive, whilst the tribal girls body hung beside her. Legend has it that the ashes from both bodies fell to the ground and poisoned the Earth itself. No matter how much the town that would become Edenridge grew, within its borders, an evil festered. Some believe that Nathaniel was going God’s work and that the witches he burned are tainting the souls of the unlucky. For every generation of Edenridge since, a sordid tale has unfolded. In recent years this has been the likes of The Hangman, BT and Charlie Decker but there have been so many more. Some simply believe that Carlisle himself was the venom; that the bile and bullish things he spouted began setting a precedent for things to come. Either way, most agreed that Edenridge was both a beautiful and regretful place to live. Once she had reached the base of the tree, Mei placed her bag down onto the ground. She had been practicing Wicca for years but had never really attempted any kind of real magic. This was a big task for her first spell. She unzipped her bag and began to take out the ingredients she had collected over the past few months. Was Mei deluding herself into not only thinking there was an actual curse but that she could break it with a collection of bits and pieces which gathered from eBay and Amazon? Probably. The demon dream girl lit several candles and began to place them around the fabled Elder. As she did she thought back to why she was bothering to even try and break the so-called [i]“Carlisle Curse”[/i] was it for views and likes? In some ways, yes. The main reason was for Jill. Her lover didn’t like to talk about it but the O’Briens like so many Edenridge families had a lot of dirty secrets. Their most prominent and probably the closest to Jillian’s heart was BT; to many just another psycho from the Southside. To Jill, he was family and what he did weighed heavily on the O’Briens even some twenty odd years later. Mei wanted to make it easier for them, for everyone. It was time for Eden to stop being a statistic on the news and start being a community again, no longer divided into the south and north sides; the haves and the have-nots. Once she had returned to her starting point, Mei dug her hand into the earth and began to pull lumps of dirt out to make a small hole. Reaching into her bag, Mei pulled out a [url=https://i.etsystatic.com/9105221/r/il/c7adb8/2426959797/il_570xN.2426959797_by3v.jpg]headress[/url] and placed it over her head. From the inside pocket of her leather jacket, she pulled a small black cloth pouch and began to fill it with her collective ingredients. Lavender. Sage. Alkanet Root. Howlite Stone. Raven bones and dirt from the supposed grave of Nathaniel Carlisle. [color=C652D5]“Bidh mi a ’gairm air a’ bhan-dia, tha mi a ’tabhann na tiodhlacan a thug thu dhut mar pheann”[/color] Mei began to chant. She dropped the pouch into the hole she had made and began to circle the tree. The full moon illuminated the small island in the centre of the pond and peered like a million points of light through the heavily branched tree. From the other side of her jacket, Mei unsheathed an ornate blade and made her way back to her pit. [color=C652D5]”Ban-dia tha mi a ’tabhann fuil neach-leantainn naomh dhut”[/color] Gritting her teeth, the young tattoo artist sliced into her palm. Fighting back the tears that were welling up in her chocolate eyes, she plunged her hand into the ground and grabbed the pouch inside, allowing her blood to pool through the mesh and onto the gathered items inside. [color=C652D5]”Tha mi ag iarraidh fàbhar dhut nas fhaide na a h-uile càil eile, saor an àite seo den fhòirneart, leig e basachadh ann an solas na gealaich a-rithist, cuir às don ghràin![/color] She released the pouch back to the Earth and pulled her bleeding hand from the hole; immediately wiping the blood onto her dress and grabbing a bandage from her nearby bag to dress her wound. For a moment, she stared at the tree, hoping, praying for a sign that what she had done had worked or that she had actually done…anything. All there was was a leaf that fell from the tree and Mei let out an exasperated groan. She turned to her camera set up and waved with her now bloody and bandages hand. [color=C652D5]”No idea if that worked, doubt it but I tried my lovely netherborns, I really tried. As I drive back to the studio, my lovely assistant Kylee Grimm is going to play you a tune. Stay safe out there kiddo’s and enjoy the sweet sounds of [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W6X_Ewaz63w]Gunship, Rise the Midnight Girl[/url]”[/color] Mei blew out all of the candles, packed up her gear and headed back to her fathers car; which she had borrowed for the evening. She felt deflated as she drove away. A few moments later, from behind the Elder Tree, a figure emerged. With platinum blonde hair and a long leather jacket, his face was twisted and demonic as he lit a cigarette and looked out at the not too distant lights of Edenridge, Massachusetts. [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7jiecVOqo1rsn3z0o3_250.gif[/img][/center]