Hey there. I couldn't help but notice this thread and have a pretty nice idea about a character if you'd be willing to have me around. I could manage a post a week type of style for a more neutral evil sort of character if that makes sense. The concept for their abilities is relatively simple. The tldr; is that it's a bit similar to how ant man avoided the snap. Only he was a rather street-level exorcist at wits end facing an evil entity inside of its own realm when the snap swept across the universe, this however left his safeguards in the main dimension to be snapped, leaving him to be corrupted by a demon of corruption and in-turn surpass it, gaining the ability to corrupt the mentally vulnerable into doing horrible things, transform into a powerful demonic entity and eat other demonic entities to steal their abilities. He's pretty evil and having gained his powers and returned just before the un-snapping, he's indulging in the faults of the new world order and the relatively crippled avengers who aim to protect it. He's mostly known to be a particularly nasty thorn in the side of Carol Danvers, whos worldly abilities tend to be laughed off and normally finds good reason to stay very far away from Valkyrie, who is generally prepared for the kind of madness he has to offer through their asgardian roots. If something like that would be nice, lemme know!