[center][b][h3][color=red]BL[/color][color=white]I[/color][color=blue]TZ[/color] & [color=fdc68a]Pandora[/color][/h3][/b][/center] [b][color=royalblue]Mission Assignment:[/color][/b] On Cloud Nine [b][color=royalblue]Location:[/color][/b] Clearing some distance from the N-Train [b][color=royalblue]Interactions:[/color][/b] None [b][color=royalblue]Mentions:[/color][/b] Dawnbreaker ([@Jumbus]) [i]Crack. Shatter. Groaaan.[/i] [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color] was hauling ass as best he could after the hovercraft and his fellow heroes, all the way breaking concrete, shattering panes of old warehouse glass, and bending steel girders under the force of his pulsing leg muscles. At this point he had probably reached his top speed given he kept having to adjust his altitude and move slightly to avoid a few old smokestacks and randomly taller buildings, but the beastly man couldn’t help but scream in his mind, [color=royalblue][i]Come on, baby! Come on, baby! Faster! HELL YEAH![/i][/color] A section of brick wall was blown out by Quinton’s shoulder as his ability to direct himself began to decay, but the bricks might as well have been styrofoam to him, though they might’ve found their way to some unlucky people below… Not far in the distance, [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color] could make out the woman making a swiping motion, and then both she and the bomb began to fall at an accelerating pace towards the ground. As the wind whipped past his ears, Quinton clenched his teeth a bit, [color=royalblue][i]Uh… shit, she can catch herself, right? Actually, she’s close enough, I bet I could... But she might get splattered... Fuck it, here we go, baby![/i][/color] His heart beat like a turbine as the precious few seconds ticked by, his speed being pushed to the max. Instinctively planning his trajectory to drop just enough near the edge of a warehouse, [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color] brought his knees to his chest, put an enormous amount of tension on his tendons, and then practically obliterated all of the building within a few feet of where his feet met, and then continued through, the warehouse. Pandora was in a free fall. She and the bomb were set to land in a clearing. Considering her options, Pandora decided to just dunk herself and the bomb under ‘water’ liquifying the pavement just before she and it made contact. The old veteran turned her fall into a dive, extending her arms out in front of her. At that moment, some immense force came crashing through a wall that she recognized as [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color]. He meant to catch her! Sputtering in frustration and surprise, Pandora ceased her liquifying intent as fast as possible so the brute didn’t turn into a star spangled splatter on the concrete. He would have to catch her now. In [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color]’s mind, time seemed to slow to a crawl as the distance between them shortened. Mentally he could hear an audience cheering, lights burning the ‘field’ of the match he was playing. His left arm swung outwards, turning his body with it until the arm found itself Pandora’s waist, whilst his right hand found its way to the bomb. The crowd cheered even louder! He had made the catch of the season, truly a highlight for the ages! Lights and stars exploded in the man’s mind as he relished the achievement with an enormous smug grin. And then within that same instant, the bomb failed to stay put in his hand, sliding rapidly out of it. [color=royalblue]”Shi-!”[/color] rumbled the giant, whose smug grin was partially replaced with a look of panic. Quinton compressed his grip just in time for the end of the bomb to squeal to a stop. Whew, he was successful, and showed it once more in a I’m-such-a-bad-ass look that he gave Pandora as he growled, [color=royalblue]“Hi there,”[/color] failing to pay any attention to the fact that they were still moving incredibly quickly either into the ground or a building. Pandora was disheveled, gritting her teeth. [color=fdc68a]”Watch out!”[/color] She shouted, bracing for impact. [color=royalblue]”Oh yeah,”[/color] Quinton murmured, remembering their situation. He brought the bomb and Pandora against his chest to shield them as they sailed across the clearing rapidly, slamming [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color]’s back into an old warehouse wall. And then another wall, followed by yet one more wall past a small group of screaming people, sailing out of the warehouse and then into the street. Finally, they came to a sudden stop as his body drilled a small crater into the asphalt. Coughing from the dust, wood, and pulverized bricks they had just gone through, [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color] muttered, [color=royalblue]”Gotcha... Gotta rest… a moment…”[/color] Pandora pushed herself out of the American’s relaxed grasp. She spat onto the street. [color=fdc68a]”No time!”[/color] She shouted, maneuvering behind the tank to use him as cover. The battle was still on. Even if they had busted through a wall or two or three, they were still within the line of sight of the mounted guns. Squinting, she saw Dawnbreaker had taken some kind of fighting pose on the roof of the aeroplane. At that moment, Sam began firing her machine gun at the flyboy and the mounted guns at the pair on the ground. [color=royalblue]”For fuck’s sake, these fuckers don’t give up!”[/color] roared [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color] as the rounds hit him hard and repeatedly. While he wasn’t getting blown to smithereens, the rounds were starting to chip bones and cause minor fractures, and that shit [i]hurt[/i]. Thankfully, flyboy’s wind antics started seriously fucking with Sam’s ability to aim given the rapid and random movements of the hovercraft, so [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color] grumbled, [color=royalblue]”Fuck, man, let’s take some cover,”[/color] as he hauled himself to his feet and trundled over against a warehouse to hide from view and take a moment to breath. Pandora followed behind, using him as cover still. She still was putting him between her and the aeroplane, even through the wall they were now both hiding behind. [color=fdc68a]”I thought you were supposed to be bulletproof.”[/color] Pandora said. [color=royalblue]”You see any blood, honey? Shit still hurts when the bullets are big enough, and those were big boys. Thankfully that wasn’t a straight up cannon…”[/color] said Quinton as he sank down against the wall, taking a deep breath, muttering, [color=royalblue]”Shoulda brought my damn vape, I could use a hit…”[/color] as a few stray bullets impacted buildings around them. Pandora rolled her eyes, scoffing. [color=fdc68a]”What good are you?”[/color] She ran a hand down her face. [color=fdc68a]”I had the situation with the bomb under control, by the way.”[/color] She said, pacing back and forth as she tried to think of a plan. [color=fdc68a]”Hmm. Maybe we just let Dawnbreaker handle the aeroplane.”[/color] Quinton laughed deeply at her insult, finding it legitimately funny, [color=royalblue]”Maybe so, but that was damn cool anyway! One of the best catches I’ve made in years!”[/color] As she paced back and forth, his breath was restored and he started actually paying attention to her, realizing, [color=royalblue]”Ah, shit. I don’t know your name. What do you do, exactly?”[/color] Pandora squinted at Quinton. [color=fdc68a]”Pandora. Absolute matter alteration. We can discuss your ignorance later.”[/color] Pandora peaked around the corner, staring at the plane as Dawnbreaker enacted his plan. [color=fdc68a]”Between the two of us, we could take it out from here. But it might crash into a building and end up causing more damage, or killing a civilian who’s currently hiding safely inside. Or exploding that idiot Dawnbreaker.”[/color] The machine gun fire sent a bullet towards her head, but it’s path changed a few feet in front of her and buried into the ground. Pandora ducked her head back behind the wall. [color=royalblue]”Hmm, I’m down with discussing my ignorance later,”[/color] teased [color=red]Bl[/color][color=white]i[/color][color=blue]tz[/color] with another smug grin. When the bullet changed course, he whistled lightly, [color=royalblue]”Impressive. You’ve got a lotta potential in there. As for the hovercraft,”[/color] he shrugged his shoulders, [color=royalblue]”Flyboy might have it under control. I think I need to keep a nice grip on this bomb in case they try any more bull shit. Maybe you can do something with your ‘absolute matter alteration’ to bring it down safely, since you seem pretty capable.”[/color] [color=fdc68a]”I’ve more potential than you do talent.”[/color] Pandora said absent-mindedly, trying to focus on the task at hand. Thirty years ago she might have just tried to needle at this man’s ego instead, but she’s gotten a little better about priorities again. [color=fdc68a]”As for what I can do...maybe. I’ve always been able to protect myself. It’s protecting others at the same time that I’ve always had to be clever about. Here.”[/color] She turned and approached Quinton. [color=fdc68a]”You see what you can do about getting in position in case Dawnbreaker needs help. I’ll take a moment to stick this bomb in the ground and then join you. Just so that this pirate scum have failed, for sure.”[/color] She gestured for Quinton to set the bomb down. Quinton laughed again at her wit, [color=royalblue]”Ha, you’ve got some bite. If you can really do that, I can’t see those pricks finding it, so sure.”[/color] He rested the bomb on the ground and then got to his feet, dusting himself off lightly, [color=royalblue]”See you in a sec, stunner.”[/color] With that, he launched himself across the street onto the edge of a roof and peered towards the hovercraft and Dawnbreaker, estimating how far and fast he’d have to leap off the building to catch them. Though, maybe Dawnbreaker had everything under control. Pandora waved him off dismissively before setting her foot on the bomb. Concentrating, she pushed it down, submerging it into the concrete. Some of the concrete was displaced around it, forced out of the hole. It took a few moments, Pandora concentrating her will power on the delicate process. Once the device was fully in the hole she created, she kicked the concrete over it and reformed it. The patch was discolored. She knew where to find it, but to an outside observer it wouldn’t be much of a hint at all. Then she turned and went to begin finding her way to the fight.