She'd thought about this while cleaning. How best to calm down a crying, furious Azazuka, somebody who had no frame of reference for any of this. Somebody soft of spirit and wanting nothing more than to go back to her cheerful festival and happy mansion with guards between her and the outside world. Nothing was following that script. Which is okay! It's fine, more than fine, this is good for them to have Azazuka reach inside and find steel to draw on. It's... interesting, in it's own way, to have somebody who'd gone through this. "When I was born," Piripiri began, "I was the forth child. The firstborn is the heir. They will inherit the noble title, responsibilities, and lands, and are trained in diplomacy and command. The secondborn is the spare. Life is dangerous. Sometimes the heir dies, or something worse happens. The spare is trained in administration and dueling, to back up the heir in whatever capacity is needed. The thirdborn is for the monestaries: the monk spends three decades cloistered, the first as a student, the second as a meditant, and the third as a teacher. Then they return to their families to spend their twilight years there. This also allows for spiritually trained monks to be distributed throughout Hyair, to be able to respond to fairy reavers more quickly." She pauses. "The fourthborn and on are chaff. I have no role, except to be the scapegoat, the one who made the deal with the river bandits because I have no particular family honor. The one who can sit down and drink with those we've sworn blood feud against, and maybe walk away with a truce. But also the one who might sit down at that table and get up as the poison starts to take effect. It's a pragmatic system, really. There's a mix of debutantes tolerated by their family, drunkards slowly wasting away, and those who take the chance to do things nobody else can, and you can rarely tell which is which just by looking." Went somewhat off-script there yourself. Reset. There's no voice telling her what one should do, here, so she's playing it by ear and hoping. They're walking towards the circus in the sky, in an absence of what else to do, as well as having the general opinion that spiritual foes (like demons) are best combated with spiritual allies (like gods). Not much longer till they break the treeline. "The point being that... my first time facing real danger, I couldn't do anything but be defiant. I've still got the scars from that. And I decided then and there that I would try to learn more, enough so that I would never have to just offer helpless defiance again. And, um. I can't teach you everything that I know, not in any reasonable amount of time, but I'd be happy to try to teach you some, if you want. To have some options." Great! Lovely wrapup as they step out of the jungle into the outermost fields, towards the village in the distance. A possible new student, maybe a colleague. Certainly somebody who's gone through the same nonsense and reacted, well, the same way. That's got to be why she's feeling a bit of a glow as Azazuka grins. A friend. [Piripiri is smitten! She cannot date Azazuka because it's been directly forbidden by a superior, who she has to obey due to Commandments.]