"You, ah ready?" "Right, just one moment." "Argh... This is always the hardest part for me." Furiously runs fingers over the keyboard. "Take your time." "Okay, let's start." "Storyteller." sips coffee. "Tell us a bit about yourself." "Well, I'm from central Canada. I love writing and working on story. World building and Lore are some of my favorite things to do. I constantly get ideas. Sometimes for solo pieces, and sometimes they work as a rp. For anyone who is wondering, I am male. I play female or male main characters. I am also very good at playing side characters that progress the story. For responses, I stick with the three to five paragraph rule, but I have pulled a 2000+ word post. I like descriptive writing that shows emotion. I care little for ifs. IF... You want to roleplay with me prepare for some serious plotting. IF I am in a group setting, I will auto hit less. But IF it is just you and me. Consider the abilities of each character. Then, we can make a fight. I don't mind losing I am here to create stories. If that means I am utterly defeated. So be it. Anyways, I am rambling. I should save this for a request thread. Bye!" Blows kiss.