[center][img]https://assets.vogue.com/photos/5d94ea25870d260009d507df/3:4/w_180,h_240,c_limit/00-promo.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210829/2c7fe6f5ac847defdd3bea30e5b69de1.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a9/b2/4a/a9b24a9562c022accf88300ed8b0f571.jpg[/img][/center] [color=A73B4A][u][i][b]Location[/b][/i][/u][/color]: Studio -> Audi -> Dellbrook Academy High School (sadly) [color=A73B4A][u][i][b]Interactions:[/b][/i][/u][/color] N/A [hider=My Hider] - [color=silver] [i]"Wrap it up! Lydia, you're good to go."[/i] ...And a big part of her wishes she wasn't. The photoshoot had gone smoothly, perfectly even, and unfortunately ended just in time for Lydia to make it to school for first period. Her agent had sent out an e-mail saying she'd be late for the first day of term, so that shouldn't be a problem...the problem was she didn't feel like going and seeing her classmates again, [i]at all.[/i] Her only consolation was the thought of seeing Charlotte at Dellbrook...her best friend coming to that hellhole they call a school was the only thing that had her excited, despite the horrible circumstances of the transfer. Lydia took her sweet time getting out of glam. Maxxie had spent the last week hearing the girl complain about how dreadful her senior year was about to be, so her make-up artist got the hint and was as slow as he possibly could be, but it seems the clock was against her today. She would indeed make it just in time for math. [/color] [color=A73B4A]"Fuck."[/color] - [color=silver][center][i]"Ay, I can be the answer, I'm ready to dance when the vamp up-"[/i][/center] Windows rolled down, one hand on the wheel and one holding a lit cigarette- and if any of the teachers had the nerve to ask her about the smell of smoke, she'd blame it on the other models who would not be present to defend themselves. She turned up the volume on Azaelia, matching the energy of her favorite problematic fave. Looking in the rearview mirror, Lydia realized the one good thing about heading to Dellbrook after a shoot- she looked even more jaw-dropping than usual. It would be fun to walk by the halls and torture everyone: her ex (who would probably get back together with her in about a week, let's be realistic), her flings (current or otherwise), Allister (who was, once again, offering her a place on his bed over summer), and all the very [b]many[/b] people who disliked her. [center][i]"I'ma ruin you cunt, I'ma ruin you cunt, I'ma ruin you cunt."[/i][/center] It must be so hard hating Lydia Rose Harrington and not being able to call her ugly. Shame. - Past the security guards and handing out her explanation for her tardiness, as well as one for the smell of nicotine mixed with expensive perfume ("I can't very well control if the photographer smokes around me, sir"), Lydia walked through the familiar halls of her least favorite place on Earth, making heads turn as she did. Her feet took her to the Carnival, where she could get a good look at the familiar and unfamiliar people who would contribute to her last, miserable year of high school. Graduation couldn't come quick enough.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Song] 212- Azealia Banks: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3Jv9fNPjgk[/url] [/hider]