Joseph smirked too, as Elissa laughed a little, he was pleased she felt comfortable to express a little light-heartedness. [i]Helpful friends indeed[/i]… he mused. “No it’ll be fine, just try not to damage anything else” he laughed. The Captain observed her closely, her expressions, as Elissa moved on to describe how her situation had been with her fiancé. He wasn’t one to judge another man, money often came into things where marriage was concerned, that wasn’t unusual, but this one sounded especially devious. It didn’t surprise him really that Mr. Bishop had associations of that sort - he must really have considered the fellow to be a son of sorts though, to hand him some of his fortunes. Elissa was clearly little more than chattel, or perhaps less, a burden somehow, to her father which was rather tragic. “That’s unfortunate we disrupted your plans” Joseph expressed, it wasn’t quite an apology but he did look sincere, “but you claim to know me, and that I was supposed to come back to you so, perhaps it was fate, aye?” he smiled broadly as he leaned back and pressed his shoulder blades once again into the back of the chair, the brandy was beginning to elicit a warming and relaxing effect on him.