“I’ll try not to cause any more damage,” she promised. “My crew will be worried about me but perhaps I can find them after we get your ship back. Phillip, my first mate, will be the most worried.” She had a sound of fondness in her voice when she spoke of her first mate. “He’s like the father I wanted but never had. Sadly he is more of a father to me than my own and I’ve known him for less time, only about five years. I met him in Bedlam.” Elissa looked up at him when he mentioned fate. “Fate could have been kinder and let you remember me.” She pointed out. “But I am glad to at least know you are safe. I’ve been looking for you ever since I sailed for the first time. Before then I waited at the docks for as long as I could everyday just hoping you would come home” She had missed him more than he knew and even though he didn’t remember her she was glad to at least be back in his company. “I can always run away another day if needed.” She smiled as she watched him. “Do your shoulders hurt?”