1. Blame the title. (You needing advice on [b]pest control[/b] and [b]how to eliminate rats[/b], shouldn't have such a boring & inaccurate title, that doesn't provide any context. Nor does it indicate that you need or want help of any kind. Since the title alone looks like a spam post, that was put in the wrong sub-thread. [i]Which happens all the time. So I can guarantee that nobody read this.[/i]) TLDR: "I need help! I have rats in my home! How do I get rid of them?" Might've been better than "animal control". 2. Blame yourself. (Calling people idiots, when you don't know something, is rule one for lacking self-awareness.) You have access to the internet. It's not hard to search for that on your own. (And it's more than likely what you'd get from your average stranger online, in the first place.) So here, [url]https://www.letmegooglethat.com/?q=get+rid+of+rats+without+killing+them.[/url] Have a nice day now. 👍