Morgaine couldn't help but spare a look at Victor while Dietrich talked. He was still shaken, an his sentiment was reinforced every time Dietrich thought to give him a glance. Something about the way Dietrich asked the question put her off, as if Victor were a defendant at court and her testimony could decide his hanging. Besides, she didn't want to be a part of the Church's little game of shadows. No good could come from the two of them ending up at each other's throats, especially not so early in their acquaintance. She took a deep breath, and set her heart to steel. Lying was never one of her talents. "Well, I don't know what to say about that," Morgaine began. "I wasn't paying much attention to our journey's path." She stroked her chin, pretending to recall. "Well, it was chilly. Remarkable chilly, at that. I wouldn't be going outside without this robe you were so generous to lend me. We crossed through the wider road, memory serves me, into a big courtyard overlooking a sunken portion of the city. There was beasts down there, no doubt about it. Big, formless things. We could only catch their shadows and hear their endless howling. A disturbing sight, it must be said. Beyond that . . . I can't imagine much out of the ordinary. Not that I'd know much of ordinary here in Yharnam." She exhaled, slowly. "That's all I can say. Mayhaps the woman with us, Adelicia the blood giver, might know something more. If you can find her out and about at night, that is."