Dean raised his eyebrows when Mika mentioned that takeout and a movie sounded nice for them to unwind with. It had been a while since they had just had a lazy night, eating junk food in bed and watching some stupid movie or tv show. Dean was honestly excited for the idea, as foreign as it seemed, now days. He raised his eyebrows even further when Mika agreed to pizza, even going as far as to say that she was craving it. “You’re sure you’re not pregnant…”, Dean muttered with his eyebrows raised, and then his face broke out into a wide smile, and he shrugged his shoulders. “I think we deserve a quiet night in. I think pizza sounds good. We can do half and half, since you like all of your veggie stuff and I like all of my meat stuff, and then we’ll snuggle and canoodle in bed while we rest…until Bobby finds something for us to do, is more likely.”, he smirked and stood from the couch. Without asking, he reached down and picked up her hand, pulling her up with him, and against his chest, “You call for the pizza. I’ll get [i]our[/i] bed ready for movie night, and I guess if you want to pick the movie, I’m fine with it. You came out a bit worse on this hunt than I did.” He laughed and kissed her nose, before planting another firm kiss against her lips for emphasis, “I love you”