After Freyr greeted the room, there was a heavier set of footsteps off to her right as she was approached by a Rothian droid. Though, even those steps themselves were enough to show that it was out of the ordinary. There was a certain “personality” in the way it moved that identified it as Nirann. “I’d say today is a pretty strong improvement over yesterday. Except for how jealous everyone keeps trying to make me in that food court out there. [i]Really[/i] starting to wish I had a stomach right now. Or at least a tongue; I’d settle for a tongue.” “As much as it is tempting to do so, I don’t think we should be so content.” Marae remarked, stepping up alongside Nirann and putting a hand on his metal shoulder. “Everyone [i]seems[/i] to be fine right now, but it would be wise for everyone who set foot in the simulation to receive monitoring and treatment, if needed. Just in case.” At the same time, Vreta followed behind Freyr and eyed the coffee machine with some curiosity. Its scent was strong to him, and not too similar to anything he was used to. Once she had her cup, Vreta started to follow the same steps to make one for himself. Though, he still spoke up after Marae. “The military…OCI, right? Even if they don’t arrange that, I’m sure Rareth will. With the way I saw her acting back in the Vault, calling her ‘uncompromising’ would be an understatement. In fact, if anyone has any requests, it would probably be most effective for me to forward them to her.” Nirann tilted his head briefly and was just about to speak, but Marae interrupted before he could even start. “No, she’s not getting you a tongue.”