[quote=@souleaterfan320] Ezzy: Don't overexert yourself, Brother. Shinji: wait a minute... that guy kinda looks like Prism. Ezzy: you may have known him by that dead name, but he has shattered his shackles, and become more than he was before. Shinji: WHAT!? *looks to be in shock, then looks back to you* How'd you pull that off? He was one of the strongest people in all of existence! Ezzy: he came to us lost, not sure of who he was. We showed him his potential, and he agreed to join our cause. Shinji:..... *throws my hands behind me, using my arms to help thrust my legs inward toward me and then outward in a powerful kick to send ezzy into the atmosphere, and I stand up* [/quote] *Duplicates myself ten times over, each rocketing their fist into Shinji*