[@Forsythe] [@Searat] [@Kumbaris] Shina watched in anticipation as the dragon and wizard shared a moment. She saw the amulet drop from the dragon's horn into the wizard's hand and instantly felt apprehensive. [color=green] 'Umm do you think this will work my friend? If this is what we need to do then we must do it, but I do not want to jeopardise everyone's lives if there is a chance this will backfire?' [/color] She turned to the dragon and bowed slightly [color=green] 'And i thank you dragon for your assistance. I understand it is not an easy thing to trust an important item to a stranger. [/color] Turning to the rest of the group, who by now looked confused, worried and a little frustrated...[color=green] 'All, Rudolph may be able to use this amulet to help us transform and get through the Thousand Year Old Woods. I understand if you wish to turn back now, this will not be an easy journey. If and i mean IF we manage to pull off getting through the woods without being noticed as outsiders by the wild elves, we still have to navigate the woods themselves. These woods are filled with the very souls of the dead, who inhabit the trees, the soil, the creatures. If we do not tread lightly, we will be in trouble.' [/color] Shina patted Lapoo who was listening intently on her shoulders [color=green] 'You'll have to stay close to me at all times my fuzzy friend. We can't have some vines snatch you and gobble you up!' [/color] She tugged Lapoo's tail and it squeaked with anger. Shina quickly tickled it under the chin to beg forgiveness. Turning back to the wizard...[color=green] 'OK my friend, I for one am ready for whatever you can provide to help us.' [/color]