[hider=Phelenia] [center][h1]Phelenia[/h1][b]Queen of Life[/b] [b][u]Aspect[/u][/b] Plants - Scientifically speaking plants are just multi-cell organisms that grow, reproduce, wither and die. Their choices are made through their design. An apple tree makes no conscious decision to produce apples. It simply does because it is designed to flourish in spring and bear offspring in summer. Only slight mutations carried over generations change the working of plants. Not conscious or willful choices. How these plants grow, reproduce, wither and die is how they are differentiated from each other. Some plants might grow in the absence of sunlight, choosing instead to fuel their growth through a magical or chemical reaction. Others reproduce by spreading pollen to fertilize the seeds of their kin in the air. Some need decades to fully wither, so they seemingly stand strong for ages. And some plants might die in violent explosions when certain concentrations within them reach a terminal level. With this aspect, Phelenia intends to spread plant life across the world in the form of forests of kelp, grand caves filled with fungi, wide fields of grasses, and clouds of floating algae. It is, however, important to note that she had no desire to subjugate and shape the world to her desire. Phelenia would let her gifts of plant life adapt to the situation. [b][u]Persona[/u][/b] At the core of Phelenia lies her innate and fundamental sense of superiority. She knows her kin can create the world. Mold its oceans and continents. They can attempt to seed it with their cycles. But she beautifies it. The life she makes and will make will permeate from the deepest trenches to the highest clouds and even beyond. All natural life will call her ‘mother’. For even if she didn’t make them directly, her creations will make sure this world and all life on it subsists. How could she not be superior over all others except her father? And she does lord it over others. How could she not? What she makes is beautiful and perfectly adapted to its habitat. In truth though, she seeks validation. Phelenia believes that her beautifying the planet is the will of her father. That means that what she makes has to be beautiful and perfectly adapted. Despite her vanity and the - perhaps misguided - sense of superiority, Phelenia really does care for her creations and those of her kin. But only if they adhere to the world around them. Rebellion or a desire to alter the world to one’s wishes is to incur her wrath. Truly, no civilization can blossom in Phelenia’s garden. [b][u]True Form[/u][/b] Phelenia appears as a beautiful maiden at first. She has bark-like skin with hair made of wet kelp and strings of algae. With ever-blossoming flowers of all kinds woven through it. Her dress is made of autumn leaves of all colors. From her back sprout four long, triangular “leaves” that open like an angel’s wings. She has no legs, however. Instead, her bottom half is a tangle of tens of green, lively vines writhing underneath her. Letting her slither through the water like a snake or climb through the forest like she were an octopus. In her presence grasses and plants naturally grow but also wither, as this is the natural fate of all plants. Even the great trees that may stand for centuries. [b][u]Musical theme[/u][/b] Still deciding[/center] [/hider]