In the cave, the heroes found the person who left the footprints was in fact, Bede. He turned and saw the heroes and commented: "Oh, it's [i]you[/i] again." "Bede, to what do we owe this pleasure?" Liam said sarcastically. Bede continued his cold look at the heroes. "I'm not in the mood to deal with weaklings right now. Then again, I guess crushing weaker opponents early on is a sign of mercy. If you think that you are capable of beating me, then surely you'd be up for a battle with me." Bede called out Solisis while Liam sent out Rookidee, which sparkled as its yellow body emerged from the ball. "Solisis, Psyshock!" Bede called. "Hone Claws!" Liam ordered. The psychic attack hit the yellow bird for moderate damage while the yellow bird began to sharpen its claws. These moves were chosen again in the next round with the same results. "Psybeam!" Bede called while Liam requested a third Hone Claws. Psybeam missed this time though. "Endeavor!" Bede called. "Power Trip!" Liam ordered. Rookidee got a critical hit and while hit was able to KO the Solosis. Bede recalled it for Gothita, which also fell to a single Power Trip, it was then replaced with a regional variant Ponyta. "[i]Ponyta, Galarian Form. The Unique Horn Pokémon. A Psychic-Type. Its small horn hides a healing power. With a few rubs from this Pokémon's horn, any slight wound you have will be healed. This Pokémon will look into your eyes and read the contents of your heart. If it finds evil there, it promptly hides away.[/i]" "Power Trip once more!" Liam called. "Confusion," Bede called. Rookidee was stopped in mid-air and flung into the wall. Rookidee pulled itself out of the wall. "Rookideeeeeeee!" It cried as it began to glow white, illuminating a huge portion of the cave and sending startled Noibat and Whimpods scattering. Rookidee evolved into Corvisquire. "Hmph, like an evolution will save you," Bede scoffed. "Use Fairy Wind!" "Payback!" Liam called. Corviaquire took Fairy Wind but crashed to the ground KO'd. "Told you, did you honestly think that it would win just because it evolved?" Liam recalled Corvisquire, getting annoyed with Bede's presumptions. Liam sent out Beckham. "Beckham, Flame Charge!" Beckham charged into the opponent making contact and increasing his speed. "Confusion," Bede ordered. Beckham took the hit but was able to survive. "Quick Attack!" Liam called. Beckham made a quick strike at the Ponyta, which struck back with Fairy Wind. Beckham made one last Flame Charge and KO'd Ponyta, making Bede swap it out with his final Pokémon, Hatena. Liam started off with using Inferno Overdrive using Flame Charge, getting a critical One shot. Bede scoffed claiming that he decided to "let" Liam win. He then said that it didn't matter if Liam won this match because: "I'm still going to be the one to dethrown the undefeated Champion." Bede then walked toward the exit.