[h1][b][color=ff6130]Ellie[/color][/b] [color=silver]and[/color] [b][color=5a6b7c]Rainsinger[/color][/b][/h1] The gate came crashing down like a stack of boxes. Pieces of metal flew off in various directions as the warm glow of Ellie’s foot faded, the gates flew open with the loudest sound since a dead man’s rampage. As it echoed all throughout the halls, they all marched forward. They found themselves above a pit of choking heat. Rainsinger stared down into the earth, Ellie searched around them. [color=5a6b7c]”That’s what’s powering this place. Geothermal.”[/color] [color=ff6130]”Feel like I’m being boiled in here.”[/color] [color=5a6b7c]”Yeah- no kidding.”[/color] Said Rainsinger, the one [i]not[/i] wearing a leather jacket underground. [color=5a6b7c]”They put down a gate that big for this? That don't square.”[/color] [color=ff6130]”Yeah, well, we gotta move. They’re behind us, and we’re at a dead end. I think we can jump on those, and find a way at the-.”[/color] [color=5a6b7c]”Shh!”[/color] Linus craned his head towards, he could hear the sound of whirring, as bits of concrete fell from the ceiling. It was quiet in comparison, but it was noticeable. Eventually, they could all hear a loud [i]thump[/i] as the grand prize itself just fell before them all by sheer luck. A glittering cube, a matrix of unprecedented metaphysical ability, said to have the ability to store meta powers within like a battery. The one, the myth, the legend. The heart. It was housed in a glass canister, at least it looked to be glass. Something falling that far and hard couldn’t be housed in just ordinary glass. [color=ff6130]”Is that…?”[/color] [color=5a6b7c]”It’s gotta be. Grab it an-“[/color] They weren’t alone. Ropes began to drop, they were about to be confronted. That was before the smoke bomb fell next to it. Ellie’s eyes darted to it, and Rainsinger leaped for the heart. The smoke bomb exploded in his face, as he started coughing profusely. [color=5a6b7c]”Shit…here!”[/color] Linus managed between hacking as he shoved the heart across the floor before picking himself up and stumbling out. It landed by the gate, between Ellie and Dream. [color=5a6b7c]”We’re pinned.”[/color] He finished as he composed himself, dropping his knees slightly into a more defensive and ready stance. Ellie picked up the heart, on its own, it was small, but the contained made it noticeably larger. It fit under her arm well enough, but the hard part was getting out. [color=ff6130]”This isn’t good. Where do we go now?”[/color] [color=5a6b7c]”I’m thinking’ we’ll have to bust a way out.”[/color] Ellie backpedaled and glared down the hall they just came from. Nobody had ran this way just yet. Not one of them had noticed the ninja who tossed the smoke down at them. They didn't have long before they would be completely surrounded at all points, the only possible way out was through. A long corridor of hallways they came through, or a vertical shaft that leads to an unknown part of the facility. Rainsinger stared up the shaft through which the heart fell. The sound of drills getting louder and louder. If they were trying to drill a hole in the ceiling, did the shaft go to nowhere? Could they go up the way the enemy was coming down? Ellie could always stun the guards again, but they'd surely expect that move twice, and Linus didn't have enough water to make a platform. What would they have done if they were still here... Ellie's face perked up after a moment as she turned back to the others, specifically Linus. [color=ff6130]"Shinerun?"[/color] Linus looked at her in total silence for a solid three seconds, he didn't expect that. [color=5a6b7c]"Shinerush."[/color] He said confidently, as he brushed past Ellie outside the gate. From the metal water bottles in his pocket, every drop flew out and formed a vertical wheel in front of him. The shape changed as the center of the wheel stretched forward. Ellie got right behind him as she spoke to Dream. [color=ff6130]"We're going to run out of here, if you see someone behind us, try to make a barrier out of your powers, kind of like the one he's doing. They won't be able to hit us as long as we stay in front of them."[/color] The wheel of water that Linus formed was now a hollow, foot long cone that seemed to vibrate profusely. Enough to distort what was being seen through it, but not enough to obscure their vision. Ellie reached forward as a clump of sunlight formed in her own hand. She reached into the water as it began to shimmer like the sun over the ocean. There was damn near nothing that would get to them now, as long as they stayed in front of anyone who tried to fire on them. [color=5a6b7c]"It's ready, let's go if we're goin'.[/color] The water began to spin like a whirlpool, causing light to refract off the walls like rocks. [color=ff6130]"Stay behind me, let's go!"[/color] She told Dream as she clutched the heart under her arms.