[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=87d0f2]Callie Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/qqFnQxGx/image.png[/img] [i]Location: Hellfire Bay Skills: Weather Manipulation[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Callie still couldn't hear anything at all as she felt the water suddenly coming over her, as another explosion happened knocking Echo into the water. She looked towards Waverly and gestured for her to get back to shore, as she noticed Marrow as some claws hit her in the stomach, her eyes going wide as she started to swim over to try and help her and Sunshine out. She couldn't help everyone as Callie started to think of a way to get everyone to safety. She started to think of a way and tried to create a tornado to try and suck up the fifty or so enemies coming out of the water, they needed to get out as quickly as possible. Callie groaned getting annoyed as she could only fee a light breeze going through, not what she really wanted to do Callie had turned to look where Echo had fallen and hoped that he was alright. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=3CB371]Kristina Smith[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AMPZYcu.png[/img] [i]Location: Roof of Magda Memorial Housing Complex Skills: Flight, eye beams, snipe shot[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Kristina looked towards Jack asking if they were alright and nodded slightly. [color=3CB371]"Yep, just peachy after nearly falling to my death really not a fun thing to experience honestly."[/color] Kristina answered Jack, she was just glad that she was able to fly and not end up becoming a huge splatter mark on the ground. Kristina turned towards Tic Tac Man as Veil attempted to attack him after noticing what he was doing to Jack, she hoped that he was alright. [color=3CB371]"Let me try something!"[/color] Kristina yelled towards Veil, as she focused on Merbavon's feet aiming just between his feet on the floor, hoping to break the floor under him to break his concentration. She fired off a focused eyebeam which worked like she had planned as she watched the floor around him break from her shot.