[center][img]https://i.gifer.com/2r5w.gif[/img] Level 6: 18/60 Location: The Maw: The Kitchen Word Count: 774 Points Gained: 2 New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 20/60 [/center] When the big mean butcher approached, Sakura wasn't sure what he was going to do. She couldn't defend herself at all as she was slapped by his big hand. [color=f49ac2][i]"Ah-h!"[/i][/color] Sakura yelped, and then gasped in pain. That hurt. But Sakura had bigger things on her mind. She bit her lower lip, nervous, as Larry picked her up and tossed her around the place. Tension racketed her body. Thoughts of Bella getting chopped to pieces right infront of her filled her mind. Wouldn't she just turn to dust, anyway? What was this hellish place? Sweat covered her entire face and built up in her eyes, and she couldn't wipe any of it away. It was from both her anxiety, and the immense heat boiling beneath her. So great was her anticipation that, like a properly timed jumpscare in a horror movie, the explosive arrival of her teammates had Sakura shrieking in surprise. When she opened her eyes and saw it was her friends come to save her, she started kicking the air with excitement and fear. Relief, too, that not only had her friends come to save her, but that they actually had a genius plan! A flour bomb?! Sakura would never have thought of that! Sakura grimaced as Larry was descended upon with great violence, but her sympathy for people like him was rapidly draining to nothing. He'd been very cruel to her, her friends, and many innocent children, for no good reason. Still, it was...very violent. If there were another way, she would have taken it. But without her strength, and her life on the line, desperation overrode her conscious. She just looked away as Bella fired a railgun right into his throat and the men of the group descended upon him with makeshift weaponry. Even still, this was her fault. If she hadn't been so stupid, they could have escaped. Then Sakura could have came back and beat the hell out of Larry fair and square. Given him a friend heart, see if he changed his mind, and then beat him up again if he hadn't. Or just because he deserved a good beatdown. But at this point, people weren't going to always get what they deserved, they were just getting what they got. [color=f49ac2]"Hey..." [/color]Sakura sputtered, watching Mirage do something very strange. [color=f49ac2][i]"Mirage-san! [/i]You're- you're hitting the wrong face! [i]The wrong face!" [/color][/i] She warned, very baffled. Sakura winced one eye shut as he cracked his own skull with his little arm and pistol over and over again. The lights started flickering, and Bella dove into Larry's body wit killing intent. Was it just killing intent? Or something more? It didn't look good. [color=f49ac2][i]"Bella-san!"[/i][/color] Sakura called out weakly. [color=f49ac2]"Heeey!" [/color]She shouted, relief obvious in her voice at Bowser. Jr and his goofy villain dad. Now that she saw them again, she realised how consistently they lifted her spirits just by being themselves. Sakura smiled weakly when a crew of water-bearers arrived, and Sakura joined in with Rika's frantic stream of thankyou thankyou thankyous, only to be cut off at around the same time from the giant cloud of steam. [color=f49ac2]"Yeah, Mister King Bowser, it isn't good."[/color] Sakura said shakily. [color=f49ac2]"Our gooses were almost cooked."[/color] When Bowser Jr came up to free her and Rika, Sakura felt like she was going to die of relief. She just wanted to turn into a grateful puddle and never do anything again in her life. As her hands were released she awkwardly navigated/ tumbled her way down the makeshift pile and landed on the ground. She held her rope-burnt wrists, and she sobbed dryly for a few moments before she did her best to gather her composure. [color=f49ac2]"Th-thank you. I'm- I'm sorry for the trouble." [/color] She pushed herself to her feet and looked with concern over to the developing situation with Larry. She didn't want to get too close, because the big guy could easily capture her again if the attack was let up. But the gruesome gore made Sakura avert her eyes. [color=f49ac2]"Oh, no! Don't eat him, [i]Bella-san![/i]" [/color] She pleaded from behind her hands that now covered her face. The words came out of her mouth before she could really stop them. They were just a reflex. Of all the things this world needed more of, people eating other people was the last on the list. Bella seemed bloodlusted in a very scary way. Sakura just wanted to be out of here...more than that, she wanted to be big again. She would never be happy again unless she had her old body back.