Cyrus' eyes narrowed in malice. How could he have been so foolish as to let this happen to him? The young prince gritted his teeth together angrily. It wasn't a wonder why his brothers looked down upon him so! frustrated tears began to form, and Cyrus glared at the sands, trying to grasp what he had gotten himself into! He didn't want to believe what the other man was saying at all. For all he knew, Rulan was probably lying. Oh, how the princed wished that was the case! "Yes, it is most likely, if you are telling the truth..." Though clearly angry and on the verge of tears, Cyrus was able to speak clearly. It was idiotic of him to succumb to his greed. He could have gone back, maybe received help from a sorcerer or a shaman. But he had to do it himself, and taking the wing was not easy. Though the thought of flying was most appealing, he didn't like the risk factor. And he wouldn't become king if he was a lion, winged or otherwise. No matter what, there had to be a loophole. Cyrus wasn't afraid to trry and find it, but he had done enough for one night. If he didn't try, then he could be stuck with this, this Casseion for the rest of his mortal life. "Well, then we'd better... better get comfortable with one another. Shall we take our leave...?" Cyrus tried to speak valiantly, but only sounded pathetic and sightly weak. Despite everything, his eyes still had their royal fire.