Great. On top of everything else, this weirdo was [i]into[/i] this. Sure, being able to cast magic was nice, but still! This was a lot to take in, and she had just embraced in just like that?! Sefira opened her mouth to complain, and then let out a gasp as their mount suddenly lurched to the side, mashing her directly into Kokoma's back. It was awkward, made even more awkward by the fact she was now a girl and had just been squished directly into another girl. She had been trying to do her best to avoid thinking about that aspect, but actively being pressed up against Kokoma that closely made it once again quite difficult to ignore. Kokoma's comment, whatever it meant, didn't help in the least. "Ugh, fine!" the flustered elven Starlight Mage exclaimed as she glanced back over her shoulder, readying her staff. She wasn't sure what spells she could cast from the back of a moving beast like this, but she guessed that maybe her lowest level ones might be possible. They had short cast times back when Emerald Odyssey was a game. While they weren't as heavily-damaging, that didn't mean they wouldn't be effective at keeping enemies at bay. [@Rune_Alchemist][@PKMNB0Y]