[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FHOJdQz.png[/img] [color=#1f9aff][h2]Aletheseus[/h2][/color][h3]Aspect of Fortitude[/h3][/center] [indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][hr] A consciousness flickered in and out of existence. The cold, consuming nothingness of the void consumed the senses. The fortitude of the Monarch sparked his awareness earlier than some of the others. A shard began humming with power and began glowing with a dull yet unceasing and unrelenting blue. Other shards tried to dye the blue shard with their own colours but the hue never so much as faded. Perhaps the other shards viewed him as 'easy-pickings', but he wasn't one to relent nor bend. There was now true awareness. HE. He could now feel, hear, touch, think... The other shards avoided him now, seeming to believe their efforts null. He could barely register the words of his creator, seeming more curious about the newly attained senses. The filling blue now grew brighter as the shard began shaking. Soon it shattered into pieces like many others. First a warm, fiery blue appeared. The blue bellowed out smoke endlessly. Despite seeming like fire, it was not. The 'flame's' intensity never wavered, it consistently flickered and would seem to burn for eons. Soon a figure formed around the flame, draping itself with a robe and mask to center itself. It stretched its hand out, flexing and sprawling out its 'fingers' in curiosity. It also knew its name by now- [color=#1f9aff]Aletheseus.[/color] This was existence and it was... odd. Different things slammed his newly-formed senses- information overload. Aletheseus eyed his fellow brothers and sisters and then their father, something he knew innately, with curiosity now. [color=#1f9aff]"Brothers and Sisters... Father."[/color] A soft yet resolute voice hummed, addressing his fellow gods and the Monarch. Aletheseus soon, too, plummeted towards Galbar. He had heard the call of Voligan and 'crashed' into the ocean by him. The water never rippled as he landed and he walked on top of it, curiously taking in the world around him. Galbar, despite being a globe of water, was a sight to behold. There was a need for earth, a muse and artist to create land. He knew he wasn't the god for that job and so he chose to answer his brother's pledge. [i][color=#1f9aff]"... Brother,"[/color][/i] Aletheseus called, [color=#1f9aff]"I share my strength with you."[/color] Aletheseus also silently acknowledged the other god, his sister, present with a nod. [hider=Summary] Altheseus formed, other shards tried to subsume him into their form but failed due to his resilience. Newly formed senses causes information overload for a moment as he observed his surroundings. Acknowledged Monarch and fellow Gods. Crash lands and then walks on Water Galbar, Pledges Strength to Voligan, [/hider] [hider=Vigor]Start: 10 Vigor Spending: 2 to assist Voligan in raising a continent End: 8 Vigor [/hider]