Hello! I'm Mizuno, a roleplayer who prefers paragraphs of details and putting characters through hell. I do not mind NSFW/18+ type of RP, but I don't normally have it be the center of the story, rather I prefer taking the characters on an adventure with an explosive ending. I'm happy to kill off any character if it fits the story and it makes sense, otherwise I don't really have any limits. It's all text anyways, so do your worst. Usually I play male characters, it is what I prefer, but I can play a female or non-binary for supporting characters. If any of the story ideas below suit your fancy please do not hesitate to reply or DM, no matter what gender you or your character is. I'm completely flexible and happy to collaborate and discuss. I don't bite I promise, unless you ask me to. [hider=Preferred Genres] Ancient Fantasy Medieval Fantasy Modern Fantasy Sci-Fi Near Future Sci-Fi Cyberpunk Nation (for any genre above) Romance (for any genre above) [/hider] [hider=Favorite Pairings] (Note: My Preferred Role x Your Role) Prey x Hunter Subject x Scientist Prince x Prince/Princess Warlord x King/Queen/Other Royalty Shaman x Your Choice Yakuza/Mafia x Detective Cafe Owner x Your Choice [/hider] [hider=Favorite Things] Royalty Mermaids/Octomer Capture/Coercion Arranged Marriages Fantasy Creatures Taming/Feral [/hider] That's all I have for right now, I'll update this as the need arises. If anything tickles your fancy hit me up!