[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5VblZrYjJ4d2FDQkJaRzF2YzNNLC4w/motherva.light.png[/img][/center][hr]Tags: [@RedPandaGamer][@Ozzy Cross][@Kumbaris][@Forsythe][hr] [color=steelblue]"Wild elves are believed to have no systematic hierarchy among the tribes...well thats not exactly 100% true. Ancient texts and documents suggest that they do actually. But it is a barebones belief of might makes right. Meaning to say that there will be no 'permanent' leader of a tribe as many would contest their right to lead the tribe. Only the strongest and most cunning stay on top. And even then, it was no guarantee."[/color] Rudolph pursed his lips inward briefly before continuing. [color=steelblue]"Not in Nemnon's case. Legend says that he was an already great warrior that was blessed by the primordial spirits to cease the shedding of blood between the tribes. Not only did he manage to defeat the leaders of [b]all[/b] the Wild Elf tribes in the Thousand Year Old Woods bare handed, but he also ruled all of them uncontested. Hence the title 'First and Only Lord of the Woods'."[/color] But the wizard had a hunch that the mythical figure was simply gauging how strong he really was and find his standing in the food chain of the Woods. Well, he did find his place; right at the very top. And as the Mesmer described the appearance, his heart sank. [color=steelblue]"The very same."[/color] Oh makers above Nemnon was real.